“Okay, back to back-stabber,” Tanner cut in, meaning Faulkner. “You gotta pick him up.”

“He may not come easy,” Noah replied.

“Fuck easy!” Tanner exclaimed. “Make that wound bleed Harris!”

Noah smiled. “My Pleasure, buddy.”

“Who the hell are you people?” Adam asked from behind him.

“Later man. I’m busy,” Noah called back to him. He spotted Faulkner holding his shoulder while heading back down the trail. “Oh, you ain’t leaving the party, asshole.” He gazed back at Adam. “Hang on Groves.”

The man stared at him, eyes wide, his face white and pinched. “W-what?”

“Swing another 50, Tanner!”

The copter started into a turn.

“SHIIIT!” Adam yelled in panic as they whirled around.

Noah gauged it just right. “Hold it there!” he called to Tanner.

“God, be careful, Harris,” Ridge spoke over the comm.

He smiled but gave no response. Yeah, she could see it all from where she was. He headed down.

He trained his rifle on the man in one hand and swooped close to him.

Faulkner peered up and panic rolled over his features. He raised a pistol.

Noah let off a shot and took out his hand.

Faulkner dropped to the snow and grabbed his bleeding hand. Two of his fingers lay there beside him as red splattered the snow. “AHHH!” he screamed like a baby.

Noah laughed evilly. “Hurts don’t it fucker?” He grabbed the squirming man and headed up. Blood coated his armor as the man fought. “I’m going to drop your sorry ass,” Noah threatened.

The man stilled and went limp.

“Good boy.” Noah grunted as he made it to the copter and tossed the trash into the pit.

Adam sat up and stared at the new man that rolled in beside him. “General Faulkner?” He looked pale and shaky. His gaze rose up to Noah covered in blood. “What the hell?”

Noah ignored him. “Home, Tanner.”

“Dammed straight,” came the reply.

The flight home took 5 minutes.

Faulkner remained passed out and Adam had his eyes closed.

Noah looked closer at Groves. He didn’t look so hot. But that would be normal. Climbing the mountain, being shot at, then being picked up by a specter in full armor. The copter ride. Explosions. He needed to cut the guy a break. OR NOT. His eyes narrowed. The man was here to take Ridge from him. He gritted his teeth. It would be up to her.

The little bird landed on its pad.

Ridge came running from the trail.

“God dammit, can’t she ever stay put?” Tanner yelled.

Noah smiled. No. She can’t.

She ran up and waited till the blades stopped. Gasping with her face pink from the cold, she rushed to the door. “Harris!” she yelled and jumped up on him through the door.

He caught her. Fuck, she felt good and even with all the metallic smell of blood all around him, he caught her scent instantly.

She stepped back and stared at him, her gaze dropping as her face paled. “Blood…”

He peered down. “Oh, it’s not mine.”

Her lips trembled. Her stunned gaze swung to the occupants in the chopper.

Tanner stepped into the pit and grabbed Faulkner up. “Move out of the way sis!”

With wide eyes, she stepped to the side.

He carried him down and disappeared around the trail.

Her gaze swung over to Adam. “Ohhh.” She stepped over kneeling down next to him.

Groves opened his eyes. “Riley?” he gasped her name out.

She nodded and touched his face. “What’s wrong with him?” She glanced up at Noah.

Noah shrugged. “Shock I imagine. He just got a helluva ride.”

She pressed his cheek with the back of her hand. “He feels cold and clammy.”

Noah wrinkled his brow and stepped closer. “Move over,” he ordered brusquely. He unzipped the man’s jacket and opened it up. Blood soaked his shirt.

“Oh, my god!” Ridge yelled in panic.

Sighing, Noah scooped the man up. “Move, Ridge.”

She stepped back looking upset. “What happened?”

Noah carried him out and down to the cabin trail. “Fucker got himself shot trying to rescue his girl.”


“But…I’m not his girl,” she whispered as Harris took off. Hopping down, she rushed after him.

Getting into the cabin, she shut the door on the cold outside.

Where did he go? She ran down the hall, past the kitchen, toward the safe room.

Harris was pressing a button and one of the metal walls swung out. A metal table swung out from behind it. Behind that… shelves of supplies. All medical: glass jars, cotton balls, gauze, alcohol and so many other implements, like a mini hospital.

He carefully laid Adam down and stepped back, unzipping his armor.

Riley watched as he dismantled the Call of Duty look and was left in a tee shirt and boxers.

He turned, opened a drawer, took out a pair of sweats and put them on. Sighing, he stepped forward, grabbing the jacket and carefully removed it from Adam.

Adam hadn’t moved or opened his eyes the entire time.

Riley felt so bad. The man may have given his life to find her. She bit at her lip. God, she never wanted him to be hurt.