I looked up at the Alexander house and surprise, surprise, several of Ariel’s husbands were standing at the glass door watching us.

Yup, it was definitely time for me to bounce before those idiots came out here as well. I did not want to be here for that.

“Walk me to my car,” I called out to my boys, and they didn’t hesitate to walk over to me.

Toby took my bag from me, and Baylie took hold of my hand.

I called out a goodbye to Ariel over my shoulder, but neither of my boys bothered to even look at her.

Before I left, I made them both promise to leave it alone and be nice to her. I had a feeling they both lied right to my face, but I was too eager to get the fuck out of there to argue with them about it.


Please, Don’t Tell Me No


Finn, being the lovesick fool that he was, was really starting to fuck with my game play.

At this point, he might as well just move the fuck in, because he spent every night here. I could handle that, but only if he slept on the couch. Instead, he slept in Isobel’s bed cuddled up with her.

He was a giant fucking cockblock that I didn’t want to sleep in the same bed with every night, but it was looking like I was going to have to if I ever wanted to sleep with my girl again.

The one bright side was that Romero must have missed him, because he was showing up at the cabin more often.

Like right now, in the middle of the fucking night, knocking on my front door.

What the hell? I was getting way too old for having late-night visitors. And I swear on my daughter’s life if he crawled into Isobel’s bed with those two, I was going to drag him right out of there and tie his ass to my bed.

I opened up the front door, fisted the front of his shirt, and dragged him into the cabin with me.

“There’s this thing called a cell phone. It works like a dream and makes it so you can stay safely at home instead of going out alone in the middle of the night.”

Honestly, I was more than happy he’d showed up instead of calling, but I couldn’t tell Romero that, not when I could bust his balls instead.

“What’s the fucking point of having a roommate that I finally like if he’s never going to be at home?” he grumbled, sounding like a sullen child. “I thought him living with me would make me less lonely, but how the fuck is that supposed to work when he’s just over here with you? You shouldn’t be lonely, you asshole, you’ve already got Isobel and Baxter here with you.”

I couldn’t hide my grin if I tried. He was fucking adorable, and he didn’t just sound lonely but jealous. I could really get used to this side of him.

“Do you need anything, you big baby, or can I take you to my bed where I was before you showed up at my front door?”

Romero. Here, in my house, and in my bed with me. Fuck me. My cock was starting to get ideas. I wanted him to wait until he actually made it to the bed before he started to get hard on me.

The last thing I needed was for Baxter to walk out here with me sporting a raging hard-on that my pajama pants would do absolutely nothing to hide. It might have been containable if I had my boxers on, but I took those off when I went to bed. I only put my pajama bottoms on when I heard the knocking on the front door.

“Bed, please,” he grumbled.

I took the bag out of his hand and herded him toward my side of the house. I realized then that he was wearing pajama pants and a soft gray T-shirt. The bag told me he planned on having a little sleepover here no matter what I had to say to him about it. I just wondered what was actually in the bag.

Since Isobel was now having sleepovers in her bedroom, I was thinking about seeing if she’d be okay with switching rooms with Ariel’s room. That way she would be next to my room, and we wouldn’t have to worry about Baxter overhearing anything he shouldn’t.

That would also leave Baxter on the other side of the house all alone, and that was a bit worrying, which was why I hadn’t brought it up yet.

“I’ve never been in your bedroom before.”

I didn’t want to burst his bubble by telling him it wasn’t anything special. He’d see it with his eyes in two seconds anyway. Though, my bedroom had far more personality than his bare bones room. The man’s blanket on his bed was just white, for fuck’s sake.

It was boring, and Romero Flynn was anything but boring.