Fuck me sideways with a giant wooden spork.

There wasn’t much that I wouldn’t do for Rain, and he damn well knew that.

I also completely understood where he was coming from and that I had put him in a bad spot. I never wanted to cause problems between Rain and Ariel, and maybe I really did need to think about the things I did and who would be affected by them.

“Fine,” I muttered in defeat as I closed my eyes slowly. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to make things easy for her, so don’t ask me to.”

“Thank you, baby,” he murmured sweetly.


Precious had been crazy sweet, but I really liked this one from both Rain and Finn.

Wait a second… had he said earlier that he loved me?

My eyes snapped open to meet his beautiful green eyes that were no longer dead but were now brightly lit from within.

He tugged on my braids again, tilting my head up toward his. My eyes fluttered closed as his mouth crashed down onto mine. He attacked my lips in a hungry but controlled kiss. My lips parted, and he wasted no time slipping his tongue into my mouth.

There was no question in my mind who was in control of this kiss, and it was hands down Rain. I hadn’t expected anything different, and I had imagined kissing Rain many, many times.

Someone cleared their throat, and we broke apart. Rain kissed my lips softly one more time before letting my hair go. He crowded even closer to me as we both turned to look behind him.

Ariel Kimber and every single one of her husbands stood in the middle of the shop, staring at us like we were a sideshow at the fucking circus.

This was a sneak attack if I had ever seen one. They’d come in through the back where Fortunes was connected to Rain’s shop.

I wanted to talk to Ariel, and I knew she wouldn’t let it go on for very long, but I didn’t want to have this talk with her in front of all of her men too… especially not while both her bodyguards were in different bathrooms shitting their guts out because of me.


And she’d just walked in on me with her dad’s tongue mapping out my mouth.

Talk about awkward.

Quinton grinned broadly at the two of us. He was really enjoying this, the psycho. “Are we interrupting something?”

“Yeah,” Rain said casually. “Maybe you should leave so we can get back to it.”

Jesus fucking Christ. I was going to kill the man when we were finally alone once again. I was certain they could all clearly see the blush on my face.

“Shouldn’t you all be next door at work?” Rain drawled in a haughty voice. “You could be getting robbed at this very moment and you wouldn’t even know it.”

Quinton scoffed. “Please. No one is taking anything from me or my family. And you’re one to talk about working. You looked like you were really hard at work in here with your tongue down Isobel’s throat. I bet if we’d shown up ten minutes later, you’d be doing her on that desk of hers, so don’t say shit to me about work.”

And it just kept getting worse. If Rain had kept his mouth shut, then maybe Quinton would have too.

Then again, thiswasQuinton Alexander we were talking about, and no one was safe, not even his beloved Ariel.

Rain stood up straight, moving slightly away from me but not going far, and crossed his arms over his chest. “What the fuck do you want?”

Ariel pouted as her eyes darted between her dad and me. “Am I not allowed to come and see my dad at work whenever the mood strikes me anymore? Geez, thanks, Dad.”

Guilt threatened to swallow me whole and eat me alive. She should be able to come here to see her dad whenever the hell she wanted to, and I should never be the one to stand in her way and stop her. If my dads were alive, I’d want nothing to stop me from spending time with them.

Fuck, but I missed my entire goddamn family so much that I actually felt my heart fracture a little bit just thinking about them.

I must have spaced out, because when I blinked my thoughts away and came back into the room, everyone was staring at me expectantly. Clearly something had gone down but no one, not even Rain, was bothering to tell me what that was.