On second thought… maybe a cup of coffee with a little something extra might do them both a world of good.

I smiled sweetly to myself as I ordered two more.


A Real Reason To Hate Me


For once, I didn’t want to kick Toby’s or Baylie’s asses. My desk was exactly how I had left it the last time I’d been here.

Hell, there was even a brand-new tube of ChapStick in the top drawer. I took it for the olive branch I wanted it to be.

Since it was a slow morning, and there were no appointments until the afternoon, I took a small break and made a trip to the closest gas station up the street. I bought a bunch of different packs of candy, all the different flavors of gum I could find, and a wide assortment of Little Debbies.

I had hoped that teenage boys who lived through hell like I had shared my sweet tooth. Our versions of hell might have been different, but they’d been forced on us by the same people.

It wouldn’t kill me to be nice to them.

Back at the shop, I emptied out one of the top side drawers on my desk and filled it with my gas station loot. I placed all of the blueberry flavored suckers that I had found on the very top of the pile. I figured that was all the note they would needed to let them know they could eat it.

I pulled out my phone and looked up the bakery Romero bought my goodies from—the logo had been on the side of the bag. I found their address, but they didn’t have a website. What the fuck kind of old world were these assholes living in?

I penciled in a trip to the bakery after my shift ended. Hopefully they had something I could buy for the boys and drop off at their house for them.

I was very aware of the fact that there were several other boys living in that house who’d also gone through hell and back. I would certainly not be selfish or stingy when I made my purchases for them.

Toby and Baylie might have been the only ones that I knew, but we were all connected in a way I hadn’t thought much about before. My nightmares kept my memories fresh and alive. I wondered if theirs did the same.

They all deserved some sweet treats in their lives, and I planned on giving it to them. If the bakery didn’t have anything worthy, then I would find myself another one… and another one after that if I needed to… and another one after that if necessary.

And then…

You get my drift. I’d drive all over town and to the next town over if I had to.

I was on a fucking mission now, and there’d be no going back. Those boys would be eating sweet shit until they all got cavities.

Maybe I could look into getting weekly deliveries sent to their home. I didn’t care how much it would cost me, I’d do it.

I wished someone would send me sweet shit once a week. Thankfully I had Romero now, and he sure knew how to feed me. Fin too.

Rain did, but only when it came to meat.

And… that didn’t sound right at all.

“Ugh,” one of the silver-eyed brothers groaned loudly as if they were in pain. I refused to look over my shoulder so I could see which one of them it was. “My stomach doesn’t feel so good all of a sudden. I hope I’m not coming down with something.”

I would not laugh, and I refused to even allow myself to so much as smile. Today I would not be my own worst enemy and give myself away. Today, I would be the image of the perfect angel I was not and never would be.

Rain would probably see right through my act, but he better be on my side. If he thought he was going to be one of my boyfriends, then he needed to know what that came with.

I was done chasing him. If he wanted me, it was his turn to chase me instead of the other way around.

I heard what sounded like a chair being pushed back before it crashed loudly to the floor and footsteps thundered toward the back of the shop.

“Fuck,” the other brother hissed out, sounding like a snake who’d been poked with a stick. “My stomach is cramping now too. Maybe we are coming down with a stomach bug or something, because this isn’t normal.”

Or something was definitely the case.