“Rain just texted to say that he and the kid are almost here. It’s a good thing I came up here to give you the heads-up, because neither of you would have appreciated Rain walking in on that happy little scene. He’s surprisingly jealous and possessive.” Romero chuckled darkly as he casually strolled into the room.

“Bella, you’ve got a little something…” He raised his thumb to Isobel’s lips and swiped it along the corner of her mouth. “Right here.” His eyes shifted to me as he raised his thumb to his lips and sucked it into his mouth.

I groaned as I buried my face into Isobel’s neck. Thankfully my poor balls had been drained twice already in the last hour, so I didn’t have it in me to get hard again just yet, otherwise my dick would be right back there again and rock hard.

In a bold move that shocked the shit out of me, Isobel grabbed hold of Romero by the back of the head and dragged his mouth down onto hers. I didn’t let go of her while they kissed, but Romero cupped her jaw in one hand while he reached around her to press his other hand, palm flat, onto the center of my back.

He sandwiched Isobel between us while he kissed her, and when it was over, he slid his hand down my back to my ass. He squeezed my ass through my jeans, and my goddamn traitorous cock twitched.

“You both taste fucking delicious together.”

If he’d known about me eating her pussy earlier, I wondered if he’d want to kiss me too. Then he could really find out how the two of us tasted together.

Romero left us both standing there staring after him as he left my bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind him, Isobel busted out into a fit of giggles. The sound was like music to my soul, the soul she already owned.

I would have liked to hold her longer and cuddle with her in my bed or some other bullshit I had never wanted to have with anyone before her, but Rain was almost here. He was bringing a kid with him that he considered a son, I’d never met the kid before, and his other child didn’t care for me in the slightest.

And I still had to cook us all dinner.

I hadn’t realized until that moment just how much I really wanted Baxter to like me. Not only was he important to Rain, but he meant a great deal to Isobel as well. If he didn’t like me, then I figured it would be game over where Rain was concerned.

No pressure, right?


Proud Dad Moment


On the ride over to Romero’s house, Baxter was uncharacteristically quiet. Then again, he’d been quieter than normal for weeks now.

I knew he was a smart kid who didn’t miss much, so there was no way in hell he didn’t pick up on the fact that there was something different going on between Isobel and myself. You’d have to be blind and stupid to miss it, and my boy was neither.

It surprised me that he didn’t say anything about it to me, though, because he never shied away from talking to me about anything else. I knew, as the adult, I needed to broach the subject with him.

If things went how I saw them going, then it wouldn’t just be my future that was affected by the changes to come, but Baxter’s as well.

All my reservations were gone, and I had zero doubts. I was doing this. Isobel had called to me from the moment I had seen her white, sightless eyes and all that hair floating around her while she was chained down in that hole. I hadn’t allowed myself to look at her in the way that I had really wanted to out of respect for my dead wife. Not to mention the fact Isobel’s presence and my strong feelings for her had caught me by surprise.

When you lived your life with a closed heart, you learned to pay attention to anyone who managed to worm their way inside that dead, useless organ.

I should have never allowed her to live with me, and then maybe I wouldn’t have ended up here.

Then again, I figured right here was exactly where I was supposed to be. I had earned the right to some goddamn happiness if you asked me.

I decided to man the fuck up and do right by Baxter. We were halfway to Rome’s, and if he didn’t want to go there after this conversation, then I wasn’t going to force it on him. Sometimes a little time was all a person needed to help sort out their feelings.

“You’re awfully quiet,” I remarked.

“So are you,” he retorted.

I grinned at the windshield and quickly wiped the smile off my face before he could notice. He was a firecracker with a sharp tongue who would not take it kindly if he thought I was laughing at him or if I found his feelings amusing.

“I’m just trying to figure out the best way to say this to you.”

“Honesty usually works best,” he grumbled with a hint of anger. “I thought you said no secrets. You’ve been keeping secrets for a while now.”

Ugh, I really did not enjoy it when he threw my words back in my face. He made me feel like a complete and total asshole.