
Of course Rain was right, not that I doubted him. He did know Isobel better than I did, but only because he got more of her time than I did, and he’d had her in his life longer.

Both Isobel’s SUV and Finn’s car were parked side by side in front of Rain’s cabin. I parked right beside the Charger and got out.

The front door was unlocked, and I let myself inside. The cabin was completely quiet, which didn’t seem like a good thing to me. She’d been filled with so much volatile emotions when she left that I almost expected to find her raging and breaking shit in here.

The silence was nearly deafening.

If I found her and Finn together fucking in her bed, I didn’t know if I would be able to walk away from them, and that would probably upset Rain even more.

Yeah, I adored his jealousy. It proved that he really did care about me, and that goddamn kiss more than proved he wanted me and he was finally done trying to hide it from the world.

I saw her through the sliding glass door to the back patio. She was sprawled out in one of the chairs out there. She was smoking a joint as she stared blankly out at the trees. There was no Finn in sight.

I slid the door open and stepped out onto the patio. She didn’t even look at me as I dropped down into the chair beside her.

“Where’s Finn?” I asked quietly, not really wanting to disturb her if she was mellowed out.

“He’s in my bed sleeping,” she responded without looking at me.

I didn’t like the sound of her voice. It was emotionless and unlike anything I had ever heard come out of her before. She sounded a lot like how Rain could get sometimes.

Maybe Rain had been wrong in letting her run off if this was the result of leaving her on her own. If she didn’t snap out of this, I was blaming it on him, and he’d pay for it.

She puffed away on her joint while I watched her. I didn’t get to see her like this often because she usually only got stoned at night, and unfortunately for me, I didn’t get to spend time with her in the evenings. Rain always got to see this side of her because he hogged all of her time.

That was going to change, because I wasn’t about to sit in the back seat anymore while he took control of the wheel. He took things too slowly and wasted too much time. I was done fucking around.

I sighed, tired of her silence. “I knew you wouldn’t be mad about me kissing Finn. I never expected to have feelings for him, they hit me out of nowhere, but they are real, and I have them. I have feelings for all three of you, and it honestly scares the shit out of me, but I’m going for it anyway. I haven’t had a good track record with the two relationships I’ve had before, and I’m seriously terrible with people, but I’m here and I’m trying.”

Finally, she turned her head to the side and looked at me. Her beautiful dark eyes were missing their usual crazy sparkle. “Why are you telling me all of this, Romero? Your son hates me, and so does Rain’s daughter. When it comes down to it, is it really going to matter if we have feelings for each other if everyone you two love is going to hate it? I’ll answer that for you, it won’t matter. Iwon’tmatter.”

Yeah, fuck Rain. I was never letting her run off on her own again, because this was bullshit, and I wasn’t going to listen to her spout any more of it.

“My son will come around, and he doesn’t hate you. All he wants is to see me happy, and he’s worried about me. It’s not you though, Bella, I swear. I don’t know how much you know about my relationship with his mother, but it was toxic, to say the least. Both her and her mother were horrible people, and they basically bought me from the Council like a piece of meat. They were horrible to me, but they were incredibly abusive toward my son. And, unfortunately, unless your name is Ariel Kimber, he hates women. You need to give him time, he’ll come around.”

She huffed as she angrily stubbed out the roach in the ashtray at her feet. “So we’re all a whole lot of fucked up. I already knew that. But what about Ariel and Rain? He’s never going to look at me the same again after today. I couldn’t just not say something to her. I’m not one to talk shit about people. I’m more of a say it to your face kind of girl, and I couldn’t let this slide. What do you think he’s going to say when he gets home? Is he going to kick me out? I’ve got nowhere else to go. Fuck, he’s just now decided to be honest with his feelings, and now I’ve gone and ruined everything.”

She was killing me here. I never even thought to worry about what everyone else around us would think about our relationship, and I honestly didn’t think I cared now. Did it suck that my son had an opinion that wasn’t one I enjoyed? Sure. But I hadn’t been lying when I’d said he’d come around because I knew he wanted me to be happy. As for Ariel, she felt like shit about the whole thing, it was obvious, so Isobel really had nothing to freak out about.

Reaching over, I grabbed the arm of her chair and dragged it over until there was no space left between our chairs. I stood halfway up and shoved my arms beneath her thighs and behind her back. She squealed as I lifted her and deposited her into my lap.

“Relax, Bella,” I murmured as I situated her on my lap so she was sitting sideways while her legs dangled over the arm of the chair. “Rain’s not mad at you, I promise. He gave everyone, including Ariel, a piece of his mind after you left. Even before that, though, it was obvious she felt like shit about the whole thing. You do not have anything to worry about, and it’s all going to work itself out. You can make Rain tell you all about it when he gets home from work too.”

She relaxed against me and laid her head on my shoulder. I had never had her this close to me before, but she fit perfectly in my arms, and her ass felt like perfection on my lap. I never wanted to let her go.

I pressed my forehead to the side of her head, feeling her silky hair against my skin, and inhaled her scent. She smelled like my greatest temptation.

“Rain would never kick you out,” I assured her, “and he’d be pissed if he even heard you talking like that. Now, if you’d like to say fuck him and move in with Finn and me, we would not be opposed to that. Rain will be pissed, but who gives a shit about that? He’s always pissed about something.”

This thought might have just come to me, but it definitely had merit. I would fucking love having her live with me, and it didn’t hurt knowing it would get under Rain’s skin. Maybe then he’d just go ahead and move on in with me too.

Not that this was possible, because there wasn’t room for a bedroom for Baxter, but we could always add on. It was food for thought for later, because if we were all going to be together, it would be ideal to all actually live together.

“Do you know if Rain owns this place?” I asked her distractedly.

I had this on my mind now, and it was consuming my thoughts. I wasn’t necessarily attached to my cottage, but at the same time, I did not want to leave it. It also had a good deal of land and was very private.