Okay, so they were actually good boys, and maybe it wouldn’t kill me to be a little bit nicer to them. Sometimes it was just so hard though, because it was almost like they went out of their way to ask for it, as if they enjoyed pissing me off.

Isobel:I’m fine, I could just really use the day off. Thanks for covering for me. I owe you one.

Toby:If you’re sure.

Baylie:It’s no problem. But, just so you know, I like blueberry pie.

Toby:And blueberry muffins.

Baylie:And pretty much anything blueberry flavored.

Isobel:So noted. Again, thanks.

Food was the way to win over these teenage boys. I found this both amusing and alarming, because it usually worked wonders on me as well.

Rain would probably be pissed when I didn’t show up at work and Baylie did, but it wasn’t like there was anything he could possibly do about it.

I waited until I heard Rain leave the cabin with Baxter to gather all my things for the shower. Before I started the shower, I set up the coffee pot so there’d be a fresh pot ready for me by the time I got out.

I took my shower and then spent forever standing in a towel before the mirror, blow-drying my crazy long hair. I missed the days where having wet hair didn’t bother me. It was so much easier to just toss up in a wet ponytail, but I could not stand the feel of my wet hair against my skin. It was just one more trigger for a panic attack.

And didn’t that just brighten my already fucked up day?

The joys of being fucked up in the head with a whole lot of trauma was no joke.

I got myself a cup of coffee and carried it to my room. Finn was still out cold and snoring lightly.

I place my cup on my dresser and set about shedding my towel and putting some clothes on. I went for comfort today and dressed in a pair of white leggings and a plain black T-shirt. There was no pink today because I wasn’t really feeling like being my normal ray of sunshine self.

I put on a little bit of makeup—eyeliner, mascara, and some dark purple lipstick. I applied them like one would put on armor.

I had another female witch to find and give a piece of my mind to today, and I didn’t want to look like complete shit when I did it.

I left Finn sleeping happily in my bed and locked up the cabin behind me. He’d seemed adamant before about me locking the door, so I figured he would appreciate that. I didn’t leave him a note, because I hoped he would still be asleep by the time I got back. If he woke up alone, I hoped he was smart enough to call or text me.

I filled a travel mug before getting the heck out of there. I needed to be gone before Rain showed back up to bitch me out about not being at work.

If Rain got mad at me over what I was about to do, then so be it. Maybe there was still room for me over at Romero’s place with him and Finn.

I bet Rain would totally fucking hatethat.

Finally, a thought that brought me some semblance of joy.


I Love Your Dad


Ariel wasn’t at the Alexander house, and she wasn’t next door at the house full of orphaned boys that was also being used as a magical school for kids.

I’d been told she had gone into work, and that was the very last thing I had wanted to hear.

Ariel worked at Fortunes for the Unfortunate. It was a magical witchy shop—actually owned and ran by real witches—where you could buy anything you possibly needed for that sort of thing and then get your cards read by a semiprofessional reader. I had worked there part-time until I started working full-time for Rain.

Both shops were side by side and actually connected through the back.

There was also another building that had been purchased by the Alexander coven on this block that was being turned into a place of business for Ariel’s husband Damien.