I meant that shit. Though I loved my vagina, I just thought dicks were easier to live with. No shark week or being scared of impregnation. Then again, if you nipped out in a room full of people, someone would always stare, but no one would think differently of you for it. If your dick got hard and your pants tented to accommodate your boner, people would likely side-eye the shit out of you and think you were a creep.

I wasn’t so sure the pros outweighed the cons, but it was interesting to think about.

Finn laughed loudly while grinning broadly at me. “Only if it’s a big dick you get strapped with though, right? The small ones are not fun unless you want someone to suck on it without having to worry about choking. A tight cunt isn’t really something to complain about, so maybe you ought to think about that too. There’s a toy store in the next town over if you want to go shopping. Do you get a lunch break? I’d be more than happy to join you.”

There was a lot to unpack there. He was definitely right about the big dick thing, though I’d never actually played with one before, and my vagina was pretty awesome.

“They are all done,” Rain said in his gravelly voice that had me looking away from Finn to stare up at him. He only had eyes for Finn, but I knew he was speaking solely to me. “You want to ring them all up and get them out the door? Usually you can’t wait for that part.”

No, I really didn’t want to do anything with them, but I definitely liked the sound of getting them out the door. He was right, it was a favorite of mine.

I nodded. “Sure, I can do that. It is my job, after all.”

“Finn,” Rain growled, now completely ignoring me, “come into the back with me, and we’ll talk where it’s nice and quiet and private.”

None of that sounded good to me, and I would have said no thanks and walked to the door. Finn just smirked at Rain like he was all kinds of crazy. I really, really liked it.

“I’ve never been to a sex shop before,” I called out to Finn while he followed Rain to the back of the shop.

He grinned at me over his shoulder, and I heard one of the bubbles make a weird, disgusted noise. Probably because of my comment. I rolled my eyes at the whole thing.

“We’ll go and make it a date,” Finn told me. “I’ll get your number on the way out.”

Well now… a date with Finn to the adult store. That was weird, even for me.

I’d take it.

“Umm,hello,”a feminine, high-pitched voice said snidely. “Do you want to stop with your creepy flirting that we’re not enjoying being forced to witness long enough to do your stupid job?”

I grinned at the woman, and it was really mostly just a baring of teeth, but that was okay. At least I had smiled.

“Honestly, I’d rather bathe in a bathtub full of razor blades covered in herpes than have to deal with your bullshit for even a second longer than I’ve already had to. But, unfortunately for me, that’s just not the way the cookie crumbles, so if you can hand over your credit cards, I’ll ring you up, and then you can get the fuck out of here and not bother to ever come back. Please and thank you. And if you don’t tip the man, I’m going to follow you out to your car with a baseball bat.”

They were eerily quiet after that, which was really quite boring to me. Where’d their backbones disappear to?

Might have had something to do with the mention of a baseball bat, but whatever.

Both girls who’d actually gotten the tattoos tipped Rain and then got the hell out of there without so much as a peep and with their friends chasing after them.


And if Rain had been out here, he likely would have threatened to fire me… again. He usually did that at least twice a week when I did something to frighten people away. He’d never actually fire me though, so I kept up with my bullshit and he kept right on putting up with it.

Romero came back with three coffees and bag full of goodness that he immediately handed over to me. There were three different muffins in there, and as much as I wanted to hoard every single one of them, I refused to be an outright asshole to this man, so I pulled out the chocolate one and handed the bag back to him.

I should have known he’d get one for Rain too. He was obsessed with the man and couldn’t seem to help himself.

He was just like me.

I was just biting into my muffin when Finn came out of the back room. I chewed while unlocking my phone, and when he got to my desk, I handed it over to him without a word.

He grinned at me while he put his information in, and then I heard his phone ring in his back pocket, so I knew he’d called himself from my phone.

“I’ll call,” he said as he handed me my phone.

Romero glared at him. “And why the fuck would you do that?”

Finn just grinned at him and sauntered out the door.