I was thinking that I’d made a big, big mistake in bringing her here. My cock was painfully hard and wasn’t going down any time soon. My balls were going to be in agony later, and I only had myself to blame.

“You can get whatever the fuck you want,” I rumbled out in a gruff voice. It wasn’t like we were going to be paying for any of it. I had that part covered. I just hoped Isobel didn’t see any problems with it. My morals were questionable at best, but I had no idea what hers were like.

She put old blue back on the shelf where she’d found him and picked up a brand-new unopened box with one inside it. I made a mental note to make sure we got batteries too, because it wouldn’t be as much fun for her without the vibrating part.

She clutched the box to her chest tightly as she batted her lashes at me. “What else should we get next, Finn? I want to see everything.”

I groaned as I rubbed my temples. This goddamn woman was going to be the death of me.

We wandered around the store while she bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly.

She thought crotchless panties were stupid and vowed to never ever wear a pair. I was okay with her never wearing any kind of panties, so that worked just fine for me.

She shied away from things that looked as if they’d cause her any kind of pain, and I could understand that. She’d tell me what she had gone through when she was ready to, and until then, I just needed to make sure I was gentle with her. She wasn’t fragile in the slightest, there was an underlying strength to her just below the surface, but she deserved to be treated with care. Like a lady.

She fell absolutely in love with some pretty pink lingerie, and it didn’t take any convincing to talk her into getting it. She refused to try it on though, but assured me that since they had her size, she just knew it was going to fit her right.

I was disappointed because I really wanted to see her in it, but I figured there’d be time for that later. She better not go modeling it for either Rain or Romero before then, because it’d piss me off. They could get her their own lingerie if they wanted to, but they needed to be sure to back off of mine.

She picked up things here and there, but she always put them back down where she got them after a close examination.

I didn’t find anything that I wanted for myself, which was fine. I was enjoying myself too much just watching her reactions to everything. She had a curious mind that intrigued me, and the longer we were in here, the more she shed her shyness like she was shedding a second skin.

She picked out two books. One on tantric sex, and the other a journal that had crude drawings every few pages.

I was ready to go when we reached the last row of shelving we’d yet to explore. She gently caressed the lifelike cock in a harness, and I was officially done.

“Do you already have one of these, Finn?” she asked me curiously.

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her, dumbfounded. What the fuck did she think I needed a damn strap-on for when I had my own cock to fuck her with?

“I have a dick,” I grumbled unnecessarily. “I think it’s time we got the fuck out of here, baby, before you get us into trouble.”

It would definitely be her fault now if shit went sideways because I was feeling rather volatile.

“I thought that maybe since, well, you know…”

No, I did not fucking know anything at this point other than it was time to go before I did something unfortunate, like kick over one of these stupid fucking display cases.

“I told myself that I wasn’t going to say anything,” she muttered angrily. “Really, it’s not my business until you’re ready for it to be, but I kind of already know about one of your previous, um, boyfriends. So I thought that with me, maybe you might need something like that to satisfy you.”

My vision went slightly hazy. Rebel. Fucking Rebel. Someone had told her about my relationship with the human. That scared the piss out of me, because there really wasn’t anything good to say about my relationship with the dead man. At least nothing good that Ariel’s crew knew and would share.

“Who told you about Rebel?”

“Rain. But I swear, Finn, I wasn’t going to bring it up because it’s your personal business.”

Shit, she was back to sounding nervous, and I had no one to blame but my own damn self. Again.

“Rebel’s dead, and I don’t want to talk about him at the moment. We can talk about him at another time, I promise. Just not right now.” I needed her to be in deep with me before I could explain myself to her.

“As for this thing…” I gestured rudely toward the display case. I was starting to get flustered myself. “Well, I like men, but I like women too. I’ve just never been with a woman before. I’ve been waiting for the right one, the right witch, to come along and catch my eye. I’m hoping that witch is going to be you because I’ve been obsessed with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. You’re pure fucking beauty. When we both cross off that last first and have sex, I assure you I won’t be needing something like that to give it to you.”

She stared at me as though she had finally seen my damage that I’d been trying so hard to keep hidden from her. The crazy part that lived inside of me, the part I had such a hard time controlling.

She was going to run from me, I just knew it.

She threw her head back and burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she clutched at her sides as tears leaked out of her pretty eyes and trailed down her pink cheeks.