Rain had known them from before, when they’d been young and the sole survivors from their family who was attacked and slaughtered by hunters. He was more than fond of them and treated them as if they were his own sons.

Now that I thought about it, Rain did that with quite a few of the people in our lives.

Baxter freaking adored them.

And neither of them liked me. Like,at all.

Normally this wasn’t the type of thing that I would give two shits about because I didn’t care what people thought about me. The opinions of strangers really had no bearing on my life or my future.

But with these two, it was different. The fact that they didn’t like me and never tried to hide it really bugged me.

I knew why, and it had everything to do with the man they were striding toward and the kid he’d illegally adopted.

My fucking family.

I didn’t want the negative opinions of me that these two brothers had to tarnish the only good thing I had left in my life.

I picked up my phone and busied myself with sending Finn a thank you text so that I wouldn’t open my mouth and stick my foot right into it, making them dislike me even more.

Isobel:They are beautiful, Finn! Thank you, I love them.

Isobel:I have to work every afternoon this week, but my evenings are free.

There. Now I just had to wait for him to tell me which evening he wanted to claim for himself. Was tomorrow too soon? I couldn’t wait to see him again.

I wanted to ask him about this Rebel guy, but I wouldn’t bring it up for fear of hurting him.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. How long were they a couple for? How serious had it been? And, most importantly, did he still love him?

Sadly, love didn’t just die because the person you loved did. It just made their deaths all that much harder to deal with.

No, I certainly would not be the one bringing up this Rebel person to Finn. He could bring it up if and when he wanted to talk about it, and if that time never came, then I would just need to learn to respect his boundaries.

I had a hard time with boundaries, so I’d likely fail at this endeavor, but at least my intentions were pure and well-meaning.

“You’re training them?” Romero’s shocked voice rose loudly, stealing my attention away from my phone.

His eyes shot over to me, and I knew he knew the brothers didn’t like me. That was why he was getting so upset at just the thought of Rain training them here. I appreciated his distress on my behalf, but I had not been blindsided by this. Rain had told me about it before leaving for work today.

Rain knew they didn’t like me, and he wasn’t doing this to hurt me. He had explained that they’d both expressed interest in learning the art of tattooing. Rain trusted them both, and that was really important to him in who he allowed to work here. We might cater to normal people, but Rain only wanted our kind working here. I got it, he didn’t want to have to hide who we were in his own space. He also wanted all of us to feel safe being here, and these two would give Rain that sense of safety and satisfaction.

I absolutely did not want them here day in and day out where I worked, a place I already felt safe and comfortable in. I loved my job, and I loved spending time here. They were going to ruin this whole thing for me, but I refused to speak out against them.

I could play nice for Rain, and I absolutely would. Because they both loved Rain, they would do their damnedest to play nice while they were here too. At least I hoped for all our sakes they would.

The phone in my hands vibrated with an alert, letting me know I’d received a text, and I immediately got back to ignoring all the men in here and paid attention to my phone.

Finn:Tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up.

Finn:Wear whatever the hell you want, you’d look beautiful walking around in a trash bag. I’d say naked, but I’m trying to be good, and that’s no easy feat for me.

Finn:And you don’t have to thank me for the flowers, baby, but it’s sweet of you to do so. XO

He didn’t give me a time, but that was okay. I was learning that with Finn, no matter how long he made me wait, he was always worth it.

But I didn’t like him telling me to just wear whatever the hell I wanted. What if he took me someplace fancy and I dressed like a hobo? The possibilities seemed endless, and that thought did not fill me with joy, instead making me incredibly nervous.

I didn’t want to get anything wrong, because the start to my relationship or friendship or whatever we were calling it was too important to me to mess up.