Slightly Deranged


I knew from the moment I met Ariel Kimber in my dream that I loved her as if she were my family, and I was a girl who’d once been really big on family.

Until they were horrifically taken away from me. I had been left completely alone in this world, incredibly vulnerable, and entirely at the whims of men who were no better than real life monsters in the flesh.

Then came the stupidly lovable, incredibly brave girl named Ariel Kimber. Like I said, I loved her from the start.

And then, because of her, her father rescued me from my worst nightmare, saving my life.

Rain Kimber.


The man was older than me, sure, but he was hotter than hell, and I’d never wanted a piece of a man more than I wanted this one. In fact, if they were witches, I tried to stay away from men as a whole.

I had always wanted a normal man who wouldn’t want to covet me simply because of the vagina between my legs and the fact that I had magic.

Then my family had been slaughtered, I’d been tortured, and then rescued by Rain.

I didn’t want a normal man after meeting Rain.

I didn’t think I should really wantanyman after the fucked up shit that had been done to me at the hands of multiple someones who came with a dick attached to them.

But here I was, lusting after a man whose daughter wasn’t that much younger than me. I had some years on her, yeah, but not a lot.

And he didn’t want me the same way.

Which, I believed, had a lot to do with Ariel.

So now, despite the fact that I loved her, I also kind of maybe wanted to punch her in the face. Something she most certainly did not deserve.

If there was one thing I knew for certain about Ariel Kimber, it was that she’d had more than enough violence and wrong done to her that it was more than any one person could ever sanely live through without breaking and losing massively important pieces of themselves along the way.

I got that and understood it on a soul deep level, because I was missing important pieces due to abuse that I knew I would never be able to regain as well. Where Ariel had become a survivor, I feared I might have lapsed slightly toward deranged.

But, for me, it was more than that, so much more it ultimately terrified me and made me dream of doing a whole lot of potentially not nice and possibly crazy things.

Because what had started with my unrequited feelings toward Rain had turned into something that, before my abduction and time spent with the Council, I might have considered one of my top ten worst living nightmares. I thought I wouldn’t care so much since I’d lived a real-life one in captivity, but here I was…

Dangerously attracted to more than one man.

And every single one of them was a witch.

No fucking joke, this wasn’t even the main reason why making eyes at them and developing feelings was all that bad or wrong even.

Oh no, if possible, they were more deranged than me, and one was even a little bit psycho.

That one, the psycho one, was Romero Flynn. One of Ariel’s husbands’ fathers. The poor son of a bitch had spent his own time with the Council, and unfortunately for him, his stay had lasted a lot longer than mine. His had been for years and years and years.

I hadn’t liked him at first. In fact, I had kind of wanted to punch him in the face too. He was weird, quiet, and far too watchful for a girl like me who liked to keep my secrets and didn’t need someone picking apart my every facial tic and looking past my shields. A girl like me had shields in place for a reason, dammit.

Then there was the not so small fact that he was very much obsessed with Rain and didn’t even try to hide it. What made it even worse, because I could get past all the looking and eye fucking he did, was that where Rain spurned my feelings and attempted to push me away at every turn, he never treated Romero to that type of torment. No, they’d become the very best of friends.

At first I thought it was bullshit. Like, maybe Rain was doing it to piss me off and push me away. Then I thought maybe he didn’t even notice the other man’s lustful looks.ThenI realized he knew damn well the other man was into him and he just chose not to care.