I wondered if anyone would care if he died in there?

I didn’t think Rain would care. As much as Isobel seemed to have enjoyed flirting with him, it wasn’t like she even really knew him, and it wasn’t like he was family.

Did the guy even have any family?

I realized I knew next to nothing about him. I penciled in a trip to see Ariel to question her about all things Finn. If anyone knew anything, it’d be that girl. She had her hands firmly wrapped around the balls on all the guys in her life, and every time she applied even the smallest bit of pressure, they all sang like fucking canaries.

Almost forty-five minutes later, the idiot finally started his car back up and pulled out of the parking lot.

I followed him out.

He swerved his ass all over the place.


He hadn’t been driving like that on the way here—crazy, yeah, but not this fucking reckless. I had a sick feeling in my gut that he’d spent that time parked at the beach drinking whatever had been in that brown paper bag he’d picked up at the liquor store.

If that was the case, then the dumbass had no business being behind the wheel of the vehicle. I could give a fuck what he did to himself, and most people meant nothing to me, but there were innocent children in this world, and they all needed protecting—like my boy needed for most of his life and I’d been unable to give it to him.

Driving under the influence was a no go for me. You could really harm innocent people that way and destroy lives. It was selfish and disgusted me, especially when we lived in a world where it was so easy to gain access to a ride practically anywhere. Everyone also had a phone these days, which was all you needed to find that ride.

If I found out Finn had been drinking and driving, that’d be it for him where I was concerned. No more chances, just done.

And when I said done, I meant as in dead to me.

Then I’d make sure he was dead to Isobel and everyone else I now considered to be a part of my family.

I followed him to a shitty apartment complex on the worst side of town I’d ever seen. He parked his ride and got out with his liquor store purchases in his hands and a backpack slung over his shoulder. I didn’t know how the hell he could be comfortable parking his car out here. I’d be worried it would either be missing entirely when I came back to it or have pieces of it missing.

Good fucking Christ.

I parked my car right next to his, because fuck it.

Well past the point of caring if he found out I was following him or not, I got out of my car and walked up the cracked sidewalk. I wasn’t in the least bit surprised when the front door opened for me when I pushed on it.

The front space, the stairs, and the hallway had carpet, of all things. Old and dingy I could get down with, but dirty and disgusting? Not so much.

My lip curled in disgust at a particular stain that looked a lot like vomit. It smelled a lot like it too.

The walls were stained yellow and smeared with grime.

I followed the taste of magic in the air up the stairs, and I didn’t dare use the handrail for fear of catching some disease.

I didn’t make it out of my prison to finally catch something nasty and die before I ever really got the chance to live.

I mean, I could die happy knowing my boy had found love and was a happy husband and living his best life with his coven, but I still wanted more for myself. It was the only time in my life I was choosing to be selfish.

I stopped at the second door on the right and stood before it, debating what to do. I could tag his car so I could track him without actually having to track him, or I could just knock on the door and tell him that he’s going to give me some answers or I’m going to be forced to bash his face in with my fist.

I threw caution to the wind and knocked on the door.

Good news was, he didn’t smell like booze when he opened the door, and he didn’t appear to be intoxicated either. Instead, he reeked of sadness and despair.

He made me want to puke.

His sadness was bullshit to me. He was good-looking and young, so he didn’t have to be here in this dump choking on his loneliness. He should be out there chasing after his dreams and living his best life.

What the fuck was wrong with this guy?