“Fucking idiots,” he muttered under his breath as he practically flew out of the kitchen.

I went upstairs to my bedroom before he could drag me into any more of his bullshit.

I didn’t bother to lock the door. A locked door didn’t mean shit to a witch, with a little flick of his wrist, Romero could pop the lock open in a heartbeat.

I dug through my clothes in the dresser to find something suitable to wear for this damn dinner. There wasn’t much to choose from in the drawers. I needed to do some laundry, and it probably wouldn’t hurt to make a trip to the mall so I could pick up some new things to wear.

Unlike Romero, I had no aversion to shopping, especially since I never actually had to pay for anything.

I found a black, long-sleeved thermal that wasn’t too beat up and a pair of black jeans with a hole on the right knee that looked like they’d been bought like that instead of the truth, which was that they were old and worn.

I had no idea what the others would wear to a mandatory family dinner, but this was about as good as it got for me, and it was my usual.

I laid my outfit out on my bed along with a pair of clean black boxer briefs. I decided to skip the socks because this was my home now, and I ought to be able to be comfortable.

I took a quick shower but still took the time to jack off while in there. It was the only place where I knew Romero wouldn’t be able to overhear me. I hadn’t done it in my bed yet because I didn’t know just how thin the walls were here.

All it took was thinking about Isobel holding that pretty blue cock in her small hand and my dick was hard and ready to blow. It took next to no time at all, but Iwassurprised when Romero showed up in my fantasy and started to play with her. I had never come so hard from touching my dick before in my whole fucking life.

Thank fuck I’d been alone and there hadn’t been anyone around to witness the show, because it was embarrassingly fast. I’d have to do so much better in person, or neither of them would want to keep me.

I wrapped a towel around my waist after drying off with it and headed toward my room. I got dressed and dropped the towel into the hamper with my dirty clothes, which I brought into my room from the bathroom.

I carried the whole hamper down both flights of stairs to the basement. I loaded up the washer and borrowed some of Romero’s detergent. It wasn’t much fun to lug the shit all the way down to the basement, but it certainly beat dragging it all to the laundromat. Those places were the absolute worst, and it sucked having to stay there the whole time so your things didn’t get stolen. I had that happen to me once, and it had seriously sucked.

I emptied the dryer into the basket in front of it and carried it up to my room. I dumped it all out onto my bed and quickly folded everything. There were a couple of towels in there, but most of it was Romero’s clothes.

I placed Romero’s neatly folded clothes into the basket and carried them into his room. I sat the basket on the foot of his bed and tucked the towels away in the cupboard in the bathroom.

I didn’t think about it until it was too late and already done, but I hoped he didn’t think I had overstepped my place. I had just wanted to help out around here.

The house was quiet, and a quick look out my window showed that the moving truck was now gone.

Something else I had learned about Romero in the short time I had been here was that he really was just a quiet guy who lived a quiet life. It worked for me, and being here with him actually brought me a decent sense of peace that I didn’t think I had ever felt in my entire life.

Since the normal humans were all gone, and I still had plenty of time before I had to start dinner, I felt like it was safe to pull out what I’d been working on for Isobel. I knelt down beside the bed and ducked under. I grabbed hold of the wooden box under the bed and dragged it out.

I flicked open the latches and lifted the lid. I had made my own dream catcher for Isobel, and I highly doubted it looked anything like the ones that Tyson had made so his people could have sweet dreams.

The circle and the netting inside were both black, but inside the circle was bright pink and in the shape of a shooting star. I had painted white over the outside circle. It was decorated in runes and spells, and covered in symbols and odd markings I had spent days researching and putting together.

It was what hung from it that really packed a magical punch. There were tons of bones from several small animals which I burned more spells into and then soaked in not only my blood, but the blood from the animals. There were also several black and what had been white feathers that I had soaked in a bowl of my blood under the last full moon.

The entire thing reeked of my magic, and even though I had every confidence in my abilities, I still wasn’t sure if it was safe enough to try out on Isobel for the first time. I needed a test dummy and didn’t want that person to ever be my sweet angel.

I couldn’t exactly try it out on myself because I was no dream walker, and I had never had bad dreams despite everything and could sleep like the fucking dead.

I didn’t exactly know how Rain and Romero slept every night, despite having slept in the room next door to one and actually watching the other one while he slept in Isobel’s bed. If Romero had bad dreams, he suffered them in silence, and Rain had slept rather peacefully.

I really did not want to contact Tyson about any of this, but I hated being blind when it came to my magic. Nothing frustrated me more.

“Hey, Finn!” was the only warning I got before my door was pushed open and Isobel waltzed inside.

Her eyes dropped down to the box, and she came to an abrupt stop. “What is that?” she whispered with big, bright eyes that shined with interest.

She was early. Why the hell was she so early?

As much as I wanted to slam the box shut and slide it back underneath my bed where it’d be out of view, I knew I couldn’t do that. For whatever reason, this woman made it impossible for me to lie to her. I hid things here and there in order to not frighten her, but I refused to outright lie to her face.