“Are you hungry?” Romero asked as he suddenly loomed over me. “Want to go out to lunch with me?”

I wasn’t sure if I was hungry or not. I thought I probably should have been, but my stomach had always been attached to my nervous system and emotions, and I was full of butterflies at the moment.

Despite this, I really wanted to go out to lunch with Romero. That wasn’t something we had ever done before. He’d been to the house and shared a meal with Rain, Baxter, and me, and he liked to bring me hot beverages along with sweet treats at work because he knew just how much I was a sucker for them. But out somewhere with just the two of us? No, that had never happened before.

“Come on, gorgeous,” he said as he reached for my hand and pulled me out of my chair. “Between the three of these assholes, they can do what they are planning on getting done and still be able to cover for an hour while we go out to lunch.”

A whole hour? That seemed ridiculously long.

I turned back to glare at the other occupants in the room. They better not fuck with my roses, my desk, or my chair, or there were going to be asses for me to kick when I returned.

I already knew Rain was smart enough not to mess with my things. I just hoped he was smart enough to warn the other two, or things were going to get dicey here at the tattoo shop.

I had a mean grudge, and hadn’t I already admitted to being slightly deranged?

People ought to remember that before fucking with me.


Dared To Dream


I could fucking kill Rain right about now.

He knew those brothers were going to make Isobel uncomfortable, and he still agreed to teach them and then hire them if they worked out and liked it. I never would have agreed to anything of the sort.

Rain could be a selfish dick, and I was okay with that, but I would never be okay with him doing that with Isobel, and I meant not fucking ever.

Isobel needed someone to look out for her, especially when it came to Rain. She was completely blindsided by her attraction and love for him. So much so that I feared she might just let him walk all over her. She needed me to look out for her so she didn’t allow him to treat her like shit.

As soon as we got outside, she steered me toward the old green SUV of Rain’s that she drove everywhere.

“I thought I was supposed to be taking you to lunch?” I asked her curiously.

She snorted. “Please, Romero, like I don’t know how much you hate driving. Luckily enough for you, it’s something I don’t mind doing. Though, if I’m being honest, I’ve been pulled over twice now and had to rely on my magic to get out of some tickets. I should probably actually get a real driver’s license someday soon. And maybe don’t tell Rain I backed into a tree trying to reverse this beast of his down the driveway to the cabin. I should have just turned around. It didn’t really do much damage, so thankfully he hasn’t noticed yet.”

My eyes widened in shock. All of a sudden, driving myself didn’t sound like such a bad thing. At least then I knew we’d get where we were going in one piece.

She didn’t give me enough time to offer. She laughed at the horror on my face and raced to the driver’s door of the SUV. She hit a button on the little square key fob, and the lights flashed as the doors unlocked.

She climbed inside and slammed the door shut. It was either stand here like an idiot with my mouth hanging open or get in the damn truck with her. I got in the front passenger seat and slammed the door shut behind me.

She chuckled darkly while turning the key in the ignition. The SUV roared to life louder than I thought it should be. Just how old was this damn thing, and should we be worried it might break down on her?

“Relax, Romero,” she scoffed in my direction. “I’m not going to kill us.”

I wanted to believe her, but she had this gleam in her eyes that told me she was up to no good and that she was getting off on this.

The girl was nothing but trouble, and as much as I wanted a peaceful life far away from any kind of trouble, I just couldn’t seem to stay away from her. I was drawn to her in a way I had never been drawn to another woman before in my whole fucked up life.

I directed her to this little café I had found in the next town over. They had outdoor seating on a back patio with little round tables that had a hole in the center for an umbrella. The umbrellas were yellow and white striped and needed to be replaced several years ago. They weren’t holey, but they looked as if they had been patched up and stitched back together in several places. And there were pots of flowers everywhere throughout the space. It gave off a wild look that I totally enjoyed.

Dash brought me here for lunch not long after my return, and I just liked it here so much that we now had lunch here about once a week.

Now I’d brought Isobel here with me, and I could only hope I’d be lucky enough for her to want to join me for at least one lunch date a week. I was both greedy and selfish when it came to her, so I knew it wouldn’t be long before I pushed for more.

I’d keep pushing for more until I had all of her that she was willing to give me.