I ought to be insulted by that, but in reality, I hadn’t been struck speechless but stupid.

The delivery guy chuckled as he took the clipboard back from Rain after he signed my freaking name on it.

He tucked the clipboard back underneath his arm and winked at me. “A beautiful woman like you ought to be used to getting flowers. If not, then you might want to think about dropping your boyfriend and getting yourself a new one. I’m sure all you need to do is snap your fingers and you could have men on their knees and crawling at your feet.”

My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him with wide eyes. Nobody had ever really flirted with me before. The people who came into the shop usually only had eyes for Rain, and they skipped right over me. Either they found him intoxicating or they simply knew he was the bigger threat in the room—it didn’t matter, but it singled him out.

Rain went from friendly to a cold dick in the blink of an eye.

“You’re right, asshole,” he growled dangerously. “She is beautiful, and no beautiful woman needs some fucking creep coming into her place of business and saying shit like that to her. Now get the fuck out before I put you the fuck out.”

“Work,” I corrected him as we both watched the man scurry out of the shop with an ugly scowl on his face.

“No,” he snapped irritably. “I said business because that’s what I meant. What’s mine is yours because we’re family, and I don’t need you fucking arguing with me about it. Now open the goddamn card so we can figure out who sent you these flowers.”

Good fucking grief, he was being a moody bastard.

And I hadn’t even noticed there was a card.

All out of patience for me, Rain plucked the card out of its clear little forked holder and tore the envelope open.

How fucking rude.

“Excuse me,” I snapped at him as I held out my hand. “That’s mine. Give it to me. I should at least get to read it before you. That is, if I let you read it at all.”

He completely ignored me, read whatever was on the notecard he’d pulled out of the envelope, and cursed under his breath. “That shithead Finn has more game than I would have ever given his crazy ass credit for. Shit, couldn’t you at least find one normal man to attract? Wait, no, don’t answer that. There could be more of them out there just waiting on the universe to toss them in your path. I’ll take Finn over a bunch more shitheads any day. There’s only so much sharing a man can take, and I sure as shit am not like one of my daughter’s men.”

He tossed the card down onto the desktop in front of me before stomping off toward the back of the shop. I was once again stunned stupid with my mouth hanging open.

Just what inthe hellhad he meant by that?

Yeah, Rain had definitely been giving off different vibes since my nightmare the other night, but up until then, I’d been able to avoid it. Now it looked like he wasn’t going to let me avoid it anymore in the slightest. My time had run out.

I picked the card up and flipped it over. Finn’s name was scrawled across the bottom, and my heart skipped a beat at just the sight of it.


Just a little something to brighten your day. Our next date is all mine to plan since you got the first one. Let me know what day will work for you, all I care about is that it’s soon. If you make me wait too long, I’ll just come to you.




Fucking Finn had sent me a whole bunch of pink roses. He considered our night together to have been our first date, and he wanted to have another one.

Finn hadn’t run away from me because I had scared him off with all of my damage. That was…everythingto me.

My bottom lip wobbled, and I just knew that if I didn’t get a handle on my emotions and fast, then I would soon burst into tears, and I could not have that shit happening here. It wouldn’t be a good look for me.

To keep myself from crying, I stood up and shoved my face close to my roses. They smelled just as good as they looked. It seemed impossible, but it was the absolute truth.

Nobody had ever done something so sweet for me before, and they were even in my favorite color.

I knew there were a lot of women who didn’t appreciate flowers because they just wilted away and died. Clearly I was finding that I wasn’t one of those women. I thought I might be a sucker for some pretty flowers.

Oh yeah, I was exactly that kind of girl, and I wasn’t even embarrassed about it.