I stepped back and tugged on the sleeve of Tyson’s black T-shirt. He bent down so we were super close, and my mouth brushed the crest of his ear.

“He’ll hate you if you bring me in there now. They both will. He doesn’t need me right now, Tyson, he needsyou. You go take care of him. You and Rain have this.”

He pulled his head back, and his eyes searched my face. I fought really hard to keep it straight. I won the battle, but barely.

There was a damn good chance Quinton would take his anger and all the other horrible things he was feeling out on Tyson. It wouldn’t be fun for either of them, but in the long run, it would work out better for everyone if it had to be him in there and not me. Nobody wanted that.

I rushed to reassure him of what I knew to be the truth. “You’ll take good care of him, I know it.”

Tyson looked skeptical and almost fearful. I patted him on the cheek gently before walking back the way I’d come.

He might not have had confidence in himself, but I always had the utmost confidence in him. Always.

But most especially when it came to his prickly uncle. There was no better man for the job than Tyson Alexander.

I’d been an alright cook when I first moved here. I could read the instructions on the back of any box and figure out how to make it.

Since then, I’d branched out and found that when I wasn’t with Damien, I actually liked cooking. I had even started watching cooking shows on Food Network when there was no one else around to judge me for it.

I very rarely got to cook anymore and try out the recipes and awesome food I’d seen on TV.

I was excited to find myself alone in my kitchen in my and Dash’s apartment after showering and getting dressed for the day.

Trenton and Simon had disappeared.

I still very much needed an eight-day nap.

But I could do that after I ate something, which I very much needed to do if the angry noises my stomach kept making were anything to go by.

I was going to feed the rest of my family while I ate. The problem was... the contents of the refrigerator weren’t exactly anything special. There was nothing really suitable for an early lunchtime sort of meal.

I didn’t think this refrigerator had been restocked since my date night with the twins. On lockdown when the groceries had come in, they’d all been sorted and put away in the kitchen on the main level.

We didn’t have much up here, but I found bagels, ham, cheese, and eggs—enough to make breakfast sandwiches for the members of my coven and our family.

I couldn’t do anything fancy though, and that was kind of a bummer.

Those sandwiches were pretty awesome though. Once you got down into the part that hid the egg and the yolk broke, yum. It made everything so much better.

It wasn’t gourmet, and if they didn’t like it, they could all kiss my ass. Right, of course, after they choked down every single bite of their sandwiches whether they liked that shit or not.

Just to be nice though.

I also pulled out Tupperware dishes with pasta salads I made earlier in the week. They were delicious cold and could be eaten on the go. I often brought them into the shop with me to eat throughout my shift whenever I felt even a tiny bit hungry.

I got out plates and lined them up along the counter. Each plate except for mine got two sandwiches, I only put one on my plate because even starving, I knew myself well enough to know I wouldn’t be able to eat more than one.

I made enough extras to fill another plate before running out of eggs. Those would get eaten as well.

Personally, I didn’t know how they did it, but the males around me ate like they were bottomless pits. At least one of those suckers ought to even be chunky, but every single one was a fit beefcake.

It all seemed very unfair to me.

I was all prepared to go in search of them to call them up for the meal when Dash shocked the shit out of me by strolling out of the hallway that led to our bedrooms.

He’d been back there? All this time?

How had I not known he was up here with me? Had he been here with me the whole time? I thought I’d been alone.