Tyson Alexander opened his eyes the moment he felt Ariel slip off to sleep.

There was a hollow, empty feeling in his stomach that he knew would take weeks to go away. It would take that long, seeing her in their home and safe, before he could banish the feeling.

And even then it wouldn’t entirely go away.

This was the price of loving someone more than you loved anyone else.

Uncle Quinton came in second, and before Ariel had come into their lives, he felt this way with Quinton on more than one occasion.

In the end, he knew it was worth the feelings and the worry. With two dead parents and only his uncle to really call his own, Tyson had learned a long time ago that being able to be with the people you loved was one of the most priceless, precious things you could have in your life.

He and his uncle had lost too much, so they were holding onto Ariel for all she was worth.

And she was worth fucking everything.

And now she’d found Brighton, so they’d had one more blessing in this family. She just kept bringing home blessings left and right.

Tyson hoped like hell she’d wake up in the morning and realize she had two of her own blessings right here in bed with her. Then hopefully she’d fuck them both and put them out of their misery.

Tyson Alexander just hoped that they didn’t kick him out of bed so he got to stay and watch. He was possessive and could often come across as an asshole to anyone who wasn’t Ariel, but when it came to the other men in her life, he got off on thinking about them fucking her brains out and giving her everything she deserved.

Oh yeah.

Against his will, his cock started to harden.

Fuck yeah, he got off on that big time.

His lips curled up into a smile as he willed his cock back under control.

He fell asleep and, thanks to the dreamcatcher he made for Ariel, he did it without dreaming.

Sadly for him, when he woke up the next morning, there was no orgy taking place in the bed he lay in.

But that was okay though, because everyone he loved was home safe where they belonged, finally.

And that included Brighton Alexander.

The rest?

Well, Tyson Alexander had faith the rest would come later when the time was right for it to happen.


The sun kissed the horizon in the sky, and soon daylight would be upon us.

Everyone was home safe, and now Marcus Cole’s house was lit up like a beacon with a bustle of activity happening inside. The guys had decided that since Marcus would no longer be occupying the space, why not make use of it? They placed all the boys and the one lone female from the motel basement over there.

Even Brighton, which I had assumed had to have caused quite the verbal tussle with Quinton. I was proud of the little shit for standing his ground and getting his way.

Then again, I really wanted to go over there myself and drag his ass over here where he rightfully belonged, with his family. I might have actually done it too, if I hadn’t just sworn the day before I’d never so much as set foot in that house again.

I sat on the back deck with a mug of coffee between my hands. Trenton and Simon hovered close behind me because they decided to dedicate themselves to becoming my real-life shadows from here on out.

I’d come out here with every intention of watching the sunrise and being incredibly thankful for waking up breathing another day. I’d gotten distracted by the activity next door, and then my eyes had been drawn to the watery depths of the pool.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out why I couldn’t take my eyes off the water. After sitting out here and staring at the stupid thing for less than a minute, I had to get up and go inside to the power box so I could flip the switches that turned all of the lights on at the pool.

Someone made a point to turn them off during the day, and in the chaos that had been my kidnapping yesterday, they hadn’t been turned back on at night.