Why couldn’t I remember?

Just what the fuck was wrong with me? Did I have a head injury?

I refused to allow panic to set in. Panic would help nothing, certainly not me. When I panicked, my magic went a little crazy and I lost control of it, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

The bare mattress I lay on was covered in dark stains and didn’t smell very inviting. It was actually rather repugnant and made my nose twitch in disgust. There were holes in the fabric, and the blue color had long since worn and faded to a blue so light it appeared to be streaked white in places. I’d bet it was the sun that had bleached out the color.

The mattress was in the center of a very deep, very wide hole in the ground—a hole that was the size of a very large swimming pool.

There wasn’t anything else in the hole except for me, the mattress, and chains that were hooked to all four of my limbs and somehow connected to the ground by stakes that were buried deep in the ground at each corner of the mattress.

And there were strange markings in the dirt that I had never seen before, but I knew they each had a significant meaning.

Honestly, I was still wondering why the Council had asked me to join them when I didn’t know half the shit I would have if I had grown up like a normal witch and been able to learn the same things the rest of the other young little witches did.

Rain had been teaching me. Quinton had been teaching me. Still, I had no idea what these symbols and markings meant. I had a feeling that did not bode well for me or my future.

It also made me happy that Dash and I had kept our link private. The Council did not know about it.

It wasn’t like a GPS tracker, and it wasn’t like he’d just automatically know my whereabouts. But he could follow the link, and it would lead him directly to me. He had to be the person to do it, and I had to make sure the link was open for him to be able to follow it.

Marcus’s face flashed in my memory, and I reached up to touch the back of my head. My scalp hurt and felt tender to the touch.

He’d pulled my hair like a damn crazy man.

He had attacked me.

Now I remembered everything.

At least he’d left me with my clothes on. Small mercies, but I’d take anything at this point.

But, seriously, where the hell was I? And how long had I been out of it for? Probably a good while for someone to move me, dump me here, and chain my ass up.

And Finn.

Jesus, Finn and those boys. I’d set the whole clearing on fire. I’d never forgive myself if I had accidentally hurt the three of them.

I wanted to cry, but I refused to allow myself the luxury. Feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to get me anywhere right now. I needed to get my head on straight if I wanted to get out of here in one piece.

But first I had to figure out how to get out of these chains.

I grabbed hold of the one attached to my left wrist and yanked as hard as I could on it. It rattled loudly and was heavier than it looked like it should be. I yanked and yanked on that sucker, putting all my strength into it.

The stake remained in the ground, unmoving, and all the chain did was rattle. I dropped the chain and stared down at my hands. They were covered in scars from bleeding myself, but they weren’t strong enough to break these chains.

I closed my eyes and focused on the flames in my mind. Or, at least, I tried to. Every time I tried to touch it, it went out.

My hands began to shake, and sweat beaded on my forehead as I struggled to harness my magic. It never came to me. Every time I touched it, it faded away to nothing but a little puff of smoke.

True fear began to set in and take over.

This could not be happening to me. No, I refused to accept that this was happening to me.

I had always banked on the fact that my magic would be there with me no matter what, that it’d never fail me. And now here I sat, chained up on a dirty mattress, with my magic abandoning me and leaving me high and dry.

Was I going to die here in a hole in the ground chained up like a rabid dog?

No, I refused to believe that.