I heard the water move as he got out and then his wet footsteps as they slapped against the cement while he chased me. I made it to the first stair with my hand on the rail when his arms wrapped around me and I was lifted into the air. I squealed when his sopping wet front met my back.

I didn’t bother putting up a fight as he carried me toward the deep end of the pool. I wrapped my arms around his and held on tightly. If I was going in, you’d better believe his ass was coming in with me.

He stopped at the edge of the pool and attempted to toss me in. He failed because I clung to his arms even tighter, refusing to let go. He grunted as my fingernails dug into his arms, tearing at the skin.

“Fuck it,” he muttered as he stepped off the cement and into the pool.

I screamed even though I knew it was coming, but I managed to close my mouth and my eyes before my head went under water. Quinton let me go, and I swam away from him, swimming until I couldn’t hold my breath anymore and had to go up for air.

I popped up out of the water on the other side of the pool and whipped around while swiping my wet hair out of my face. Surprisingly I found Quinton on the other side of the pool where I’d left him, he hadn’t followed me.

“You’re a dick,” I grumbled sullenly.

He threw his head back and laughed outrageously at me. What he didn’t do was disagree with me.

Deciding that I was more than over this shit and didn’t want to stick around just so he could laugh at me, I turned around and sloshed my way toward the stairs. One thing to be happy about was that I hadn’t wasted my time earlier with a shower, because I’d just have to do it all over again when I made it back up to the safety of my bedroom.

Again, I made it to the first step and got no farther. Arms covered in flames wrapped around me from behind, but this time I was not lifted, he simply held me in place against his chest.

I should have figured he wouldn’t let me escape him that easily, he never did. He was like a goddamn spider with me being constantly caught in his web.

“What do you want from me, Quinton?” I asked in a tired voice. “I need you to let me go so I can get out of these wet clothes.”

“No,” he growled in my ear. “You do not need me to let you go, you just think you do. No, I think not. What I think you need, something that’ll make you feel so much better about this whole thing, is for you to fuck your anger and rage out on me. Use me to get it all out of your system. We’ll both feel so much better about it afterwards, I promise.”

My mouth dropped open and, if it was even possible, I got even angrier than I had originally been to start out with.

I mean, had he really just suggested that a hate fuck would fix everything in our relationship and make it all better?

Honestly, what a fucking dick.

Sex absolutely was not the answer to everything, but maybe he was simply too male to understand that. I hated to think it was because he was too stupid, because that would just be plain sad.

“You cannot be serious!” I snapped at him as I jammed my elbow back into his ribs. “Now let me the fuck go.”

He chuckled into my ear, probably at the use of the F-word coming out of my mouth, and he held on even tighter. “That’s right, baby, get rough with me. Give me everything I asked for. You know I like it when you fall in line and give me what I want. It’s rare, and I fucking love it.”

He was unbelievable, and I wanted to drown him in his own stupid damn pool while I walked away from him without bothering to look back.

I rammed my elbow into his gut on the other side of his body which I hadn’t already assaulted. He grunted as he shuffled me to the side of the pool. I struggled the entire way, but as much as I put up a fight, I kind of sucked at it because the last thing I actuallyreallywanted to do was physically hurt him beyond a little elbow to the ribs action.

He pressed my stomach up against the wall of the pool and quickly ripped my sleep shorts and panties down my legs. I growled angrily at him as he manhandled my legs, lifting my feet up and using his own feet to kick my clothing free. I was completely naked from the waist down, and if someone came out and saw us like this, I’d never be able to live it down.

“Quinton,” I said in warning, hoping he actually heard me and got with the program and maybe backed the fuck off.

I’d never had a hate fuck before or even an angry one. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to start now.

It would be nice to see him on his knees before me though. On his knees and begging for me, whether for forgiveness or for a taste of my pussy, it didn’t matter. Both would work. He wouldn’t beg though. That wasn’t Quinton’s style. He had a way about him that I could never refuse, and it would usually end up with me begging like the weak bitch that I could be around this man.

It wasn’t just magic that he had, he had some serious dick magic working in his favor, and I was slightly embarrassed to admit that it completely muddled my mind and made my pussy wet.

“Spread your feet apart and keep your legs open for me. Do what you’re told and be a good girl for me for once in your life.”

I would never admit it out loud, but I liked it when he took control and bossed me around. I’m sure I gave myself away when I didn’t hesitate to comply with his demands and spread my legs wide like the good girl he wanted me to be.

I wasn’t stupid enough to say it didn’t turn me on because the evidence was there for him to find between my legs. And find out he did when his dick slid between my ass cheeks, rubbed up against my asshole, and slipped between my pussy lips.

“Fuck,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. “Of course you’re wet for me. You’re always fucking wet for me, and no matter how much you think I’m an asshole, you can’t hide how much you want me when your pussy is practically weeping for my touch. Don’t try to deny it, we both know it’ll only make you into a damn liar.”