I couldn’t help it, I laughed. The thought of my guys walking around like that and trying to hide it from Rain for fear of sudden death was hilarious. I thought that was the first time I’d laughed today, and the tension just flowed right out of me.

I relaxed into his hold as I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed back so I could look down at him.

His brown eyes were soft and warm today. As my eyes traveled down, they widened in shock.

“Holy mother effer. What have you done?” I shouted.

On his chest, above his nipple and over his heart, he’d gotten a new tattoo—one word in beautiful cursive and black ink.

My fuckingname.

Good fucking God.

Had he lost his mind entirely?

“What...What?” I sputtered. “Why would you do that to yourself?” Tears sprung to my eyes, and I blinked rapidly in an attempt to chase them away. “When did you do this? Is it permanent?”

I rubbed my hand over the raised lettering on his chest, and it didn’t smudge or wipe away. It was real, and judging by the redness and the fact that it was raised, he’d had it done recently because it wasn’t healed yet.

Quinton Alexander had my name tattooed on his chest right over his heart. He so totally loved me.

“It’s real, baby.” He grinned big and beautiful up at me. It was a rare sight to see him so relaxed and happy that my own heart skipped a beat while my throat tightened with emotion. “It’s not going anywhere, just like you. You’re right where you belong. Happy birthday, baby.”

I was not going to cry. I absolutely would not cry.


Not happening.

I knew it was my party and I could cry if I wanted to, but not today, damn it.

“Put my daughter down, you idiot. Stop trying to monopolize her time. It’s not our damn birthday, but hers. I shouldn’t have to be explaining this to youagain.”

I laughed out loud and leaned in to give Quinton a quick kiss on the lips. He groaned and set me down on my feet. I leaned forward and gently brushed my lips over my name. It was the best gift I’d been given so far. Well, except for Bone and Ash, and they’d come from Quinton as well.

Maybe one day I’d return the gift and get his name tattooed onto my body. I knew he’d love that. Perhaps on his birthday, or maybe even sooner because now that I had the thought in my head, I couldn’t shake it and wondered where on my body it would go best.

“Love you, Quint.”

“Always, baby.”

Rain had had enough. “This is my first birthday with my girl that she’s going to remember. Keep your filthy paws off her for a few minutes so the rest of us can spend some quality time with her.”

My dad was so sweet, and I absolutely hated that I’d been forced to miss so much time with him. He didn’t bring it up so much anymore, but it was a wound neither of us would ever really heal from. I thought only an emotionless psychopath could just forget about it like water under the bridge and move on as if we’d always only been one big happy family.

I smiled at my dad, and for the second time today, I was wishing I had put more clothes on. My plan was suddenly backfiring and blowing up in my face.

Rain didn’t seem to care. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and steered me toward the stairs. “Your gifts are down here with your cake. Come on. I’m ready for you to open them. I don’t know what the hell took you so long to get your ass out here, and given that you showed up with those two, I don’t want to know, but I’m an old man and I don’t have the patience to wait anymore.”

I rolled my eyes and allowed him to guide me down the steps. I tripped and would have fallen down the stairs without Rain’s hold on me when Damien yelled out, “I made the cake. Red velvet with cream cheese frosting. I might have gotten a little excited and therefore out of control with the sprinkles, but you’re going to love it. I promise.”

I turned wide eyes on Rain and choked out, “He’s joking, right? Tell me he’s joking.”

Rain chuckled happily under his breath. “No can do, baby girl. That fancy ass boy up there went all out for your special day. I heard almost everyone argued with him and tried to talk him out of it besides Julian, and he refused to be denied.”

I stepped off the last step and tugged on the hem of his T-shirt. “Have you eaten any of his food before?”

“Nope.” He laughed out loud this time. “But I heard it gives you diarrhea.”