Maybe I was a little overdressed. I couldn’t help myself. Damien would be so damn proud of me—his little girl, all grown up and wearing things he’d not only approve of but had bought for me.

“You’re here.” I smiled at them, big and bright. “Both of you.”

I really wanted to smack myself upside the head for being such an idiot. Of course they were both here. Where the hell else would they be? I hoped my mouth didn’t stay stupid on me for the rest of the night, because that would be rather embarrassing for me.

They both grinned at me without remorse. Neither of them was turned off in the slightest by my bumbling stupidity. They never were.

I cleared my throat. “Will one of you take my babies to the bottom of the stairs to hand over to Quinton? He should be down there waiting, and I don’t want to face him because I know he’s probably super pissed at me right now.”

Abel smirked at me but thankfully kept his mouth shut as he picked up the basket with my cats. They hadn’t even needed to discuss it between the two of them. Abel just stepped up to the plate, and Addison didn’t question it.

They were such a team that they didn’t even need to speak in order to know what the other was thinking.

I used to be incredibly jealous of the bond they shared because I’d always been so alone. I no longer had anything to be jealous of, however, because they’d included me in their bond with open arms.

Addison looked around the room with bright eyes and a slack jaw. “Did you do this all for my twin and me, beautiful girl? No one’s ever done something so sweet for the two of us before.”

I shrugged as if it were nothing, and I was so embarrassed right now.

“Come here.”

I couldn’t. My feet refused to move as if I were frozen in place. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me, but I had a feeling my anxiety had finally gotten the better of me and maybe it was time for me to mentally check out and perhaps drink some more champagne. Time to run for the hills before I could open my mouth and say something stupid that ruined all my hard work and the mood I had been trying to set before they’d even got here.

“Fuck it. I’ll come to you because you’re obviously doing that thing again where you get in your head and lose your mind. Or you let your absurd doubt take over. I’m not putting up with that nonsense tonight, and you shouldn’t even allow yourself to go back there in the first place. It’s not healthy.”

Stupid bossy boys that knew me far too well. It could really be annoying at times. Especially like right now when he knew exactly what I was thinking and had zero hesitation in calling me out on my bullshit.

Self-sabotage was a real thing, and I was sometimes my own worst nightmare.

He came right up to me and pulled me into his arms. I felt so small and precious pressed up against his chest. He was just so damnbig.

They both were.

It made me feel tiny, and it was actually a feeling I enjoyed.

“There is no pressure here between the three of us. There never has been. Well, maybe that’s wrong, because if anything, you actually put pressure on yourself when it comes to us. I don’t understand why, but I honestly wish you’d stop. Let’s just enjoy this beautiful night you put together for us and what will be will be. I’m okay with that, and I know my twin will be too. Now you just need to get with the program and live in the moment with us for the night.”

This, right here, was just one of the many reasons why I loved him—loved them both.

And nothing he’d said was wrong. I was the only one of us who put pressure on our relationship, and I really needed to stop.

I melted into him and tilted my face up in an open invitation.

Never one to deny me anything, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He made quick work of kissing me and maneuvered me toward the table.

Abel came back, and we sat down to eat.

I might have drunk way too much champagne as the last of my nerves got the best of me. Neither of them seemed to mind as they ate all their food and watched me ramble with clear amusement on their faces.

I couldn’t even tell you if the food was good, because I might have eaten most of what was on my plate without tasting a single bite of it.

I fell asleep as soon as they convinced me to lie down on the couch between them so we could cuddle and watch a movie.

I blamed it on the champagne and the nerves.

Iwoke up who knew how much later in my bed, wearing nothing but my underwear, smooshed between the two of them. They both had nothing on except for their boxers, and I had never been so disappointed in myself beforeever.

Talk about a wasted opportunity. I had no one but myself to blame.