
Way the fuck wrong, and this was definitely worthy of the use of the F-word.

Dash couldn’t let it go, because apparently Dash couldn’t forgive himself for the way he’d treated me. I’d confronted him about it several times, and he’d since begun avoiding me in order to avoid confrontation so he could hold on tight to his guilt and bullshit for whatever stupid reason.

I’d finally had enough, and I was going to do something about it.

He’d see me.

He’d pay attention to me and see that I was just fine.

And he’d getthe fuckover it.

That was just all there was to it.

I climbed off the bed and headed toward my closet. I had a birthday party I didn’t want to go to that I needed to get ready for, and a boyfriend whose ass I needed to kick. Or maybe what I really needed to do was remove his head from his asshole instead of kicking it.

I ran back to my bed and picked up my phone. I knew Damien had been busy getting everything just right, but I needed him right now. No one else could help me.

In the closet, I made sure the door was locked on Dash’s side so he couldn’t come inside despite the fact we actually shared the damn thing and no way should I be locking him out.

Damien answered on the third ring, sounding vastly amused. “Problem, sugar lips?”

I did not appreciate him calling me sugar lips. Mostly because whenever he said it, he got this arrogant look in his eyes and this weird, little sinful smirk that just screamed he wasn’t talking about my mouth but my nether regions instead. He called me that in front of everyone, including Rain and Romero who acted like they had no idea there was a hidden meaning behind his thinly veiled words. It was downright embarrassing

This time I sucked it up and moved past it. At least he wasn’t calling me sugar tits, though I wasn’t sure lips were any better when he was talking about my girl parts.

“I need your help.”

That was all it took for him to get serious. “Where are you? Tell me and I’ll come to you.”

“My closet,” I whispered for fear of someone standing on the other side of the door, hearing me. I knew Dash wasn’t in there because I’d feel him, but some nosy guy could be in there eavesdropping.

“I’m on my way,” he said before hanging up on me. Not that I expected a goodbye or even for him to come rushing up here like a bat out of hell.

As quietly as possible, I crept toward the door and unlocked it. I whispered a quick spell to keep me hidden and pushed the door open hurriedly. There was no one there on the other side. Quickly, I shut the door and once again locked it. I didn’t know why I was so paranoid, but I couldn’t help but feel like someone was always around the corner waiting for me, watching and listening to my every move like a creep.

Less than a minute later, my closet door banged open as Damien stormed inside with Julian behind him.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked accusingly as I pointed at Julian. This wasn’t embarrassing for me with Damien here, but add Julian to the mix, and it was a whole new story. Would he laugh at me or think I was nuts? Probably yes, because I was.

Damien frowned at me while Julian glared. “I couldn’t help it. He was standing beside me when you called and overheard the conversation. He was worried about you. We both are. What’s going on, and why are you standing in the middle of your closet wearing nothing but your underwear?”

I had a bra on too, but that was beside the point.

I focused solely on Damien, and as hard as it was, I somehow managed to ignore Julian when I said, “It’s personal. Private, ya know? Something I’m only comfortable sharing with—”

Julian waved his hand in the air dismissively and cut me off. “I guess it’s a good thing we’re both your boyfriends then and you can share anything personal and private with both of us. Spill it.”

“You better listen to tootsie dick over there.” Damien smirked evilly at me. “He knows what he’s talking about.”

Tootsie dick, huh? Fair enough, since we both knew how many licks it took to get to Julian’s good stuff.

Julian’s cheeks reddened, and he looked like he might be considering strangling our mutual boyfriend. Suddenly, I felt a whole lot better about this entire situation and being called sugar lips.

At least I wasn’t a tootsie dick. That had to count for something, I hoped.

I threw my hands up in the air in defeat and snapped, “Fine! Whatever. You both can be here for my humiliation if that’s what you want. Dash is being stupid and ignoring me because he can’t let shit that doesn’t even matter anymore go. But he keeps using our link to check in on me and it’s pissing me off. I’m over the whole thing, and I figure if there’s a day where I can get him to pay attention to me, then today should be that day. You know, he can’t be mean to me on my birthday. Right? Someone say something.”