Color me intrigued.

I knew there had to be more supernatural beings out there, but no one would tell me exactly what was truly out there. Except for demons. I’d heard enough to know those creepy fucks were definitely real, and I hoped like hell I never got to meet one.

Trenton and Simon appeared on either side of me, and I let out an embarrassing squeak that had me turning red and wanting to go hide in the bathroom until these new people left, because they were looking at me with concern. They’d so totally heard me.

My bodyguards sucked ass sometimes. I was blaming them for this, and maybe I was going to get them each a collar with a bell on it so they couldn’t do this crap to me anymore.

“Alphas,” Trenton muttered darkly. “Every single one of them save for the little girl.”


“Shifters,” Simon clarified as he moved closer to me.

Bless him. I knew he was just doing his job, but I didn’t actually need protection anymore. I thought I had it down all on my own.

I didn’t need to identify what type of shifters they were to know I could easily set them all on fire in two seconds flat so I could watch them burn.

Though that didn’t stop me from being incredibly curious. I wanted to know what type of creatures or animals they could turn into.

Nosy, nosy little witch.

“Hey, lady.”

I looked over the counter and down at the little pink-haired girl with the voice of an angel, and I couldn’t help but smile at her. She looked far too serious for a child with pink hair.

I cleared my throat, and my embarrassment slid clean away. “Hey yourself, shorty.”

She scowled at me, and Simon moved so close to me his chest brushed against my arm. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to smother me.

I peeked out of the corner of my eye and found both his eyes glowing silver.

At a damnchildof all people.

“Simon,” I said in an angry voice full of warning.

He shrugged, not caring. She could be a child or a crippled little old lady, and it wouldn’t make one lick of a difference to either of the brothers. They were born to protect me, and they took their jobs more seriously than they did with anything else in their lives.

“Are you a witch?” the little girl asked me somewhat rudely.

You didn’t see me demanding to know what type of shifter she was. Nope. Because that shit would be rude.

I answered her anyway, because apparently I was a sucker for pint-sized people with pretty hair and a serious attitude. “Yup.”

“I’m a wolf,” she told me proudly.

“Cool.” I responded as if this were an everyday, normal type of conversation for me, which it actually wasnot.

I had questions, so many questions, but I was smart enough to refrain from asking them. She was just a child, after all, and no matter how rude or bold she’d been toward me with her questions, I would not be inappropriate with her.

“I’m Ariel, what’s your name?”

There. Start off small. Then maybe she’d just blab without me having to ask. It usually worked with Baxter.

“Rosie.” She beamed up at me, and I was momentarily starstruck by just how pretty she was. “It’s nice to meet you, Ariel. If you aren’t too cray-cray, maybe we can be friends.”

I blinked at her stupidly.

What the fuck did she just say to me? Cray-cray? As in crazy? This kid was kind of an asshole, and I wasn’t sure if I actually wanted to be her friend.