“You want to tell Isobel what she can and can’t do?” Rain asked Tyson before bursting into fits of laughter. “Make sure you call me beforehand so I can watch her kick your balls in. I’ll even record it for the rest of you idiots to get some enjoyment out of it.”
I sighed. Tyson and Rain might have a decent relationship, but those were fighting words if I ever heard them.
I was so very tired of fighting.
I cleared my throat, turned around, and placed both my palms flat against the countertop of the island.
I had everyone’s attention. Just how I wanted it.
I locked eyes with Quinton. “Even though the threat has been eliminated, I’m going to assume you still want to marry me and have a commitment ceremony, yes?”
He’d have to cut my finger off if he wanted to take my ring away from me. I might have hated the stupidly large thing at first, but now it was mine, and I loved the damn thing.
Quinton scowled at me before turning back around. He tossed his empty plate viciously onto the coffee table in front of him with a clatter. He rose to his feet, turned to face me, and angrily jabbed his finger in my direction.
“Don’t you dare, for one fucking second, think you’re going to back out of this. I won’t allow it.”
Boy, was he adorable when he was all riled up or what? I loved it.
I looked around the room at the rest of my coven, avoiding eye contact with the dads. “And the rest of you?”
We were a team, so it was all or nothing.
Goonies never say die,or whatever. This wasn’t necessarily a life-or-death situation, but it would turn into one if one of these guys tried to reject me.
“Don’t you dare even think about breaking my heart,” Dash said in a voice so fierce it made me shiver.
Dash was in. His words made me so sad for him that he brokemyheart.
“Don’t be stupid,” Tyson snapped as he glared at me.
Ty was in. He also sounded like if I tried to back out, he’d drag me down the aisle by my hair, kicking and screaming, if he had to. BFF duty and all that.
“Pretty girl,” Abel said as he shook his head in exasperation. “Are you real with this nonsense?”
“My twin is right to ask.” Addison looked at me with disappointed eyes. “I cannot believe you’d honestly even ask us that. You hurt our feelings.”
Abel and Addison were in.
I hated hurting them with my question, but it needed to be asked. I needed to know they were sure.
Damien glared at me. “You’re not about to rob me of this. It’s as much my day as it is yours. I already know what cake I’m making, for fuck’s sake.”
Everyone turned to look at him with varying shades of horror on their faces. Everyone still remembered the birthday cake.
Damien was in.
“I want everything, and I already know you’re going to give it to me,” Julian stated arrogantly. He turned to Rain and smiled so big it looked like his face was in danger of cracking. “I can’t wait to call you my new daddy.”
Oh boy.
Jules was in.
And that made all of them. I wanted to crow in victory, but I’d wait until we were tied together for life before I celebrated.
I didn’t think it’d be good luck to celebrate before the battle was won.
Before an all-out war could break out when my dad assaulted Jules, I spoke my piece. They’d given me the answers I needed, so they deserved the truth from me.