I actually enjoyed that side of him. Watching him make people want to cry was quite pleasurable, though I would never tell anyone else I felt that way. They would think badly of me.

I stripped out of my clothes just inside of the bathroom and let them fall to the floor in a rumpled pile. They needed to go into the garbage, because I never planned on wearing them again. At least they weren’t favorites of mine. Still, I hated that certain events ruined clothes for me.

Good thing I wasn’t poor anymore and didn’t rely on the same four to five outfits to keep me clothed all the time. Those had been the days.

I really needed to live in the moment and stop thinking about the stupid past. I already had enough things on my mind to wreck my life, but there I went, always looking to further hurt myself any way that I possibly could.

I stepped into the shower and fiddled with the handles, and hot water immediately began pouring out.

I moved under the fall of hot water and just stood there as it rained down over me. I couldn’t even feel it at first. The cold had seeped into my bones, and it felt like it planned on staying there for a good long while.

I didn’t know how long I had been standing there when I felt him arrive in the bathroom. I didn’t watch as he stripped out of his clothes, and I didn’t turn around when he stepped into the shower.

He pressed his warm, hard body into my back and wrapped his arms around my chest. He pulled me back until there was no space between us, and his chin went into the crook of my neck.

He held me like that, without words and with a patience that astounded me, as the warmth finally seeped into my skin.

He held me as silent tears poured down my cheeks, and I didn’t even really know why I was crying at this point. There were so many reasons to choose from, I didn’t feel like picking one. I just kept crying while Tyson held me and offered me his strength.

He was definitely my best friend for a reason.

I felt them when they, too, came into the bathroom.

Trenton and Simon.

For fuck’s sake.

This crossed a line, even for them. They had been very careful with my privacy so far and had yet to invade it in a way that I would take issue with.

Sitting in the bathroom while Tyson and I were naked in the shower as I cried my eyes out was something I was choosing to take issue with.

They were going to make Tyson uncomfortable.

He lifted his head slightly so he could whisper in my ear. “There are always consequences, pretty girl. You know that. Those two are going to be stuck to you like glue for a while after this latest stunt you pulled. If you give a shit about them at all, you’ll leave them to it.”


It appeared Tyson didn’t care that they could see him naked. I wondered how far that would stretch and immediately shut that line of thought down before it could take root and grow any bigger. I didn’t need to be getting any crazy ideas.

I stood there and continued to cry as Tyson shampooed and conditioned my hair. He moved my limbs around as he scrubbed my entire body with body wash that had a faint scent of cinnamon to it that I knew belonged to Dash. His shampoo and soap carried that scent, and now when I got out of the shower, I would smell just like him.

I liked that very much.

I felt warm and almost human again by the time Tyson turned the shower off. He came back with a huge, white fluffy towel that he used to dry me off and wrap around my body when he was done. He covered me from my armpits all the way down to my knees.

I felt like a child with him taking care of me like this, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t get my mouth open in order to tell him that I could do it my own damn self.

Did that make me weak?

I didn’t think so. I thought it meant I ought to be grateful for having found such wonderful partners that I could rely on in my time of need.

Tyson scooped me up in his arms and carried me out of the bathroom. I studiously avoided looking at either of the brothers and was attempting to convince myself they weren’t there—and failing miserably in this endeavor.

Oh well. Tyson had been right, and I wasn’t about to ask them to leave.

Tyson sat me down on the edge of my bed, and his towel covered ass made its way into my closet.

Trenton and Simon followed us out of the bathroom. They both moved across the room beside the dresser and leaned against the wall. They watched me with their silver eyes, and I wanted to scream at them to get the fuck out because I felt like I might come out of my skin under their watchful gazes.