And, as much as I hated him, I couldn’t stop myself from feeling incredibly sorry for the man who was Marcus Cole.


Icouldn’t be sure, because I’d never been to one before, but I thought this place was a torture chamber of sorts. Either that, or some type of sex dungeon, which was a place I’d also never visited before.

There were leather couches spread throughout the room and weird, painful-looking devices filled up the space between. There were chairs and tables with straps on them. One of the wooden chairs had a huge round hole cut into the seat of it. Below the hole on the floor was an apparatus with several different size dildos attached to it. Some of them were rather large, and others were slightly… misshapen.

On one of the shiny metal tables was an array of knives and saws in different sizes. One bunch was covered in sharp-looking spikes, their silver coloring gleaming with flecks of rusty red.

My mind immediately attempted to reject everything I was seeing, but it appeared to be an impossible task. No matter how hard I tried to blank everything out, the scene before me refused to go away.

The men on the Council weren’t concerned about Adrian being alone in the woods with me in the slightest. They found new prey to play with, and they were living it up.

Most of the men down here still wore their black robes, but now the hoods were down and the fronts were no longer tied shut. Two of the men were entirely naked.

Casual nudity was something I felt I’d never be entirely comfortable with. Even at home… all those swinging dicks on display. It could intimidate a girl at times.

Now I wasn’t intimidated by all the cock on display, even though the one was rather large and angry looking.

A couple of men were sprawled out on couches with drinks in their hands, their eyes on the prize in the center of the room.

One of them had a naked woman on his lap. His hands were on her hips. Her heavy breasts swayed back and forth as she bounced on his cock. Why she was riding him backwards, I did not know. It appeared as if she was too high to even see what was happening around her. She was completely blissed out, gone.

Either she was another abused witch or a willing participant, but I didn’t care, and she didn’t hold my attention for very long.

No, my attention kept going back to Marcus Cole.

He was strapped down to a long, rectangular wooden table, his chest pressed flat against it. His arms were stretched out in front of him, and his wrists were shackled to the table with shiny metal cuffs. His legs dangled off the side, the tips of his toes just brushing the dirt floor.

His bare ass was up in the air, and he was getting fucked by a beast of a man whose back was covered heavily in tattoos.

Marcus had a gag in his mouth. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and his fingernails were digging into the wood of the table.

He did not appear to be enjoying himself, and I couldn’t say I blamed him. I wouldn’t enjoy that shit either.

The beast snarled out angry words with each thrust. The sound of their skin slapping together mixed with his harsh voice and echoed around the dark room.

“Just you wait until Adrian brings the girl down here. Just remember, he said you get the first crack at her. All you’ve got to do is make your payment to the rest of us first to make up for it. You know nothing in this life comes for free. And here you are, giving it up like a fucking champ. I hope she’s worth it. Personally, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. The bitch is already broken in. You” —his hips slammed forward with so much force, the table slid forward— “on the other hand, are nice and sweet and tight.”

Holy fucking shit.

My knees went weak.

Everyone in the room laughed loudly and obnoxiously.

This time I really was going to be sick.

A hand wrapped around my elbow, I was yanked around, and my back was pushed none too gently into the dirt wall.

Enraged green eyes, the same color as my own, hit mine, and I knew just with one look into my father’s eyes that he’d heard every single word that had been said.

Rain Kimber knew that Marcus Cole had made a deal with Adrian so he could fuck me.

A tear slipped free from the corner of my eye and crawled its way down my cheek. Rain watched it fall and a muscle in his jaw ticked.

Reaching up, he caught the tear with his fingertip. He rubbed his thumb and his fingertip together, making the salty moisture disappear.

“I made promises, and now I intend to keep them.”