A young Rain stood beside an older man who looked just like his son, only he was twenty years older. The picture was black and white, and that almost made it better, more like it really was a moment frozen in time. The younger version of Rain had his arm thrown around the older man’s shoulders, and he was grinning from ear to ear at the camera. The older gentleman who was clearly my grandfather wasn’t looking at the camera at all. He only had eyes for the tiny bundle wrapped up in a blanket that he held reverently in his arms. The look on his face was full of love and downright adoration.

I knew without asking that I was that baby and this man in the photo, who was dead and therefore I would never get the chance to meet, was Rain’s father, my grandfather.

Another precious gift given to me by my father that I had no words worthy enough to thank him for.

“He’d be so proud of the young woman you’ve become.”


I could take no more.

I pushed my chair back and attempted to stand so I could run away from the table and hide from them for a little while as I cried all my emotions out. A firm hand on my shoulder held me in place, and I knew without a doubt Damien was no longer behind me, but Quinton had taken his place.

“Somebody else give her another present before she cries again or bolts.” Quinton snapped his fingers and pointed in the twins’ direction. “You two, give her something that’ll make her smile.”

Oh no, those two would do or say something that would only serve to make the situation worse.

Addison and Abel stood up from their chairs and started digging through the black and yellow wrapped presents.


“I think it’s time to get a drink. Marcus, Romero, would you care to join me?” Rain said as he stood up abruptly, proving he was far from stupid. He knew the twins’ game and wanted no part of it. He scooped up the journals and the frame from my lap. “I’ll take these up to your room for you to make sure they stay safe and sound. I’ll also check on your baby girls and see if they need a snuggle or two.”

That was incredibly thoughtful and very appreciated.

At the same time, I also knew it was an excuse to sneak off and play with my cats while nobody else was around to interfere with his time with them.

Rain had taken one look at my precious little hairless babies that Quinton had gotten for me and then pretended like they were his, and my dad had fallen deeply in love with them. Just the same as I had.

Also, I figured he could probably use the emotional break like I could but was being denied.

Rain walked away from the table with Romero and Marcus behind him. I couldn’t help but notice Romero checking out my dad’s ass on their way up the stairs to the back deck.

I just hoped that situation didn’t eventually blow up in Romero’s face and end badly. We didn’t talk much because he was a bit of a nut job, but I had a special place for him in my heart and didn’t want to see him get hurt any more in any way. He’d already been hurt more than enough to last him fifty lifetimes.

“Here,” Addison chirped happily as he shoved a small box into my hands.

I was almost afraid to open it. My salt and pepper twins were jokesters, and they didn’t take a whole lot seriously unless they had to or were forced to. When we were alone, lying in bed together late at night, they liked to tell me all their secrets and hopes and dreams.

I had no idea what to expect out of a gift from either of them.

I tore away the wrapping paper, revealing a small box that most likely held a piece of jewelry inside. I sure hoped there wasn’t something embarrassing in there.

Feeling brave, I flipped open the box and a small smile crept over my face. It wasn’t anything I had expected to find in there.

It was a necklace on a silver chain. The pendant hanging from it was in the shape of a heart. Half of it was black, and the other half white. The heart sparkled and the whole thing looked like it was something Betsy Johnson would make.

I loved it immediately. It was beautiful.

“I love it,” I murmured happily as I slipped it out of the box. I held it up to Addison. “Help me put it on, please.”

Addison took the necklace from my hands without a word. He didn’t need words when the heat in his eyes said it all. He was pleased with my reaction, and we were overdue when it came to taking our relationship to the next level.

The problem was he wasn’t alone, there were two of them, and I’d been terrified of what that meant for me when all of our clothes came off at the same time.

Google had ruined it for me.

Recently, Quinton had taken it upon himself to show me I’d be alright.