My breath caught in my throat, and I was pretty sure my lungs just stopped working entirely. I knew it was coming, but in the shower, while we were naked and his semi-hard cock was still inside of me, wasn’t exactly when I’d expected it to happen.

Had he lost his damn mind?

Did he not remember what had happened yesterdayat all?

“Quinton… I really am going to need you to think this one through before you say or do anything. We do not need a repeat of yesterday, and I’ve honestly reached my limit this week for the amount of bullshit that I’m willing to put up with. I think we should table this and come back to it next week… or maybe like next year.”

Even though I’d given what I thought had been a compelling speech, he ignored everything I said and opened the box. I stared down at the enormous diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds with a mixture of horror and awe.

Did he want my finger to fall off under the weight of that thing? I couldn’t realistically wear that, no one could. Though, maybe a trophy wife could rock it, but I’d never be one of those.

He took hold of my hand and slid the ring onto my finger without permission. My throat clogged, and I wasn’t sure if I felt trapped or if I was having a heart attack, but the thought of passing out sounded very appealing at the moment.

“Listen, we both know you’re not about to say no to me or you wouldn’t have gotten so upset before. So we’re not going to make a big deal out of it. You’ve got your ring, I don’t ever want to see you take it off, and that’s that. Also, the boys and I talked, and we decided you’re getting legally tied to me because that’s what I want and they were all more than okay with that. We’re also going to have the ceremony sooner rather than later, and you’re just going to have to come to terms with that.”

The audacity of this man never ceased to amaze me.

“Now, let’s talk about what I want to talk about, and you can tell me where the hell you got that sweet fucking corvette in my garage from.”





There were too many people in this house, which sounded absurd because the house itself was huge and there was plenty of room for everyone to have their own separate space.

The problem was nobody was using their own space, and everyone was constantly on top of each other. Or, more to the point, smothering and hovering over me as if they were afraid I would disappear and never be seen again if they blinked.

I understood why, but it was so obnoxious.

Going stir crazy was definitely a real thing, and it was becoming a reality inside of this house. I absolutely was not the only person to be feeling it.

We’d now gone almost a week of being locked inside this house. We hadn’t been allowed to leave the house to go to Fortunes for the Unfortunate, and Quinton had ordered all of our groceries online and they were delivered to the house.

The only person who’d been smart enough to tell Quinton no had been Rain, and I hadn’t seen him since the day he’d taken me to that tomb of a house. He’d barely texted me since then, and when he did respond, his responses were always cryptic and non-answers. I had a feeling he was up to no good and probably hunting down Marcus Cole. Not that I could blame him.

Three days into the week, Romero had disappeared and ghosted the whole lot of us. Dash was not concerned in the slightest, so I figured his dad had filled him in on his whereabouts, so I wasn’t worried either. Quinton, however, was absolutely livid, and after questioning Dash several times and getting nothing out of the ginger, he’d stopped speaking to him altogether.

Damien and Julian had taken to hiding out in their bedroom, either watching movies one of them enjoyed while the other one hated or fucking each other’s brains out. I thought they were the two smartest people in the house, and if Quinton would have allowed it, I would have been locked away in there with them.

Tyson had me a little worried because he’d spent the week either shadowing myself or his uncle. He was on high alert at all times, and just being around him was giving me a serious case of anxiety. The more I tried to avoid him, the more he attempted to cling to me.

Both Alexander men were attempting to drive me insane.

My salt and pepper twins spent the week acting as if they were on vacation. They spent hours every single day either out on lounge chairs working on their tans or floating around in the pool on oversized unicorn floats. Quinton had given up trying to force them back into the house on day one after they’d sprayed him with the hose.

They spent their evenings drinking beer and playing video games.

I envied them. I was also very proud of them. Every time they got into the pool without shadows in their eyes or frowns on their faces, it impressed me. I knew they had issues with water due to how their parents had died, and obviously a pool was nothing like the ocean, but I figured water was water. If it were my ass out on one of those pool floats, I would have been triggered six ways to Sunday. They were stronger than anyone gave them credit for.

Dash was living the dream in domestic bliss. He picked up after everyone and was constantly in the kitchen cooking and baking. His happiness was almost as obnoxious as the Alexanders’ hovering.

Trenton and Simon were the two who surprised me the most. They actuallydidn’thover over me or even really bother me at all. They did their own thing together and separate from the rest of us, and I loved them for it. I had too much going on already, I didn’t need the two of them making my problems bigger by inserting their feelings for me into my life when we were all on lockdown and forced to be together.

Jules and Damien were currently in their bedroom—no surprise there. Trenton and Simon were in the basement, and they’d somehow managed to drag Quinton down there with them. The salt and pepper twins were taking a nap and likely sleeping off their lingering hangovers from the night before. And Dash was up in our apartment, baking who the hell knew what.