I went back to my bathroom and the curling iron was ready for me. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself while I curled my hair and then applied my makeup—dark black eyeliner, fire engine red lipstick, and cheeks that shimmered with blush.

I filled all the holes in my ears with diamond studs that Rain had given me. They’d belonged to his mother, and he’d wanted me to have them. Family tradition to pass down the expensive jewelry and all that bullshit. I’d probably be buried with them.

I unplugged the curling iron and stepped back so I could take in my full appearance in the mirror. Yes, Damien definitely needed to see the final product, otherwise he’d never believe it. I grabbed my phone from the kitchen and snapped a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror.

I debated sending it to all of them but decided against it and only sent it to Damien, knowing full well he’d share the damn thing with our mutual boyfriend.

I checked the drawers on my nightstand to make sure I had everything in place for later and placed my kittens in their basket. I carried them out to the living room and sat their basket on the floor by the couch.

The noodles were finally ready to be strained, so I dumped the pan into the metal strainer in the sink and ran some cold water over the noodles so they didn’t stick together.

I checked on the chicken, cutting into a piece to make sure it was cooked all the way through. It was, so I pulled out the cutting board from the cupboard and placed the chicken breasts on it. I dumped the sauce into the skillet and turned the heat down to low so the sauce wouldn’t burn, and then I chopped up the chicken and dumped it into the skillet with the sauce.

I checked on the veggies and they were done, so I turned that burner off and poured the veggies into a serving bowl.

I opened the oven and checked on the breadsticks. Perfect timing. Another minute, and they would have been a little too brown. I pulled the tray out of the oven and placed it on the counter.

Everything went into serving dishes that I arranged around the table with a bowl of salad. I got the cake out of the fridge, uncovered it, and slid it onto the cake plate.

Everything was perfect, or as close to perfect as it could get in my book.

I wiped my hands nervously on a dishtowel before turning the volume on the music down until it was nothing more than a quiet, soft noise in the background.

Silence came up the stairs. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not. They were probably plotting against me.

I checked the time again and relaxed when I realized there was only another three minutes until they were supposed to be here. My anxiety and nerves wouldn’t have been able to take even a minute more.

I hoped they weren’t late. I’d likely rip open my palms with my fingernails if they were.

It was disturbing, really, my level of anxiety over this date. It wasn’t like we were strangers and this was our first meeting alone. We’d been together for a very long time now as more than friends, as a couple. Or was it called a thruple? Not that being friends was something simple for me, because it wasn’t.

I loved them, there was no doubt about that, and I had for a very long time now.

I knew in my heart of hearts I had absolutely nothing to be nervous or anxious about. My stupid fucking brain just wouldn’t seem to get with the program though, so I was left as a ridiculous mess.

Holy hell! I wasn’t ready yet. I’d forgotten to light the candles. I couldn’t believe I was standing around like a freaking moron acting like everything was perfect and ready when I hadn’t done something as simple as light the stupid candles on the table.

I ran very slowly toward my bedroom in my heels but stopped and stood as still as a statue when I heard a commotion at the bottom of the stairs.

They were here, and they were a minute and a half early. Damn it all to hell. There was absolutely no time to go to my bedroom, grab my lighter, and run back out here to light my candles before the twins arrived.

I had wanted everything to be perfect, and now it was not.

I closed my eyes in frustration, and when I opened them again, the candles were lit, the flames flickering brightly.

Finally, I breathed easy, and a happy, relieved smile crossed my face.

Bless my magic, it never steered me wrong, and even if I didn’t know I needed it, it was always there for me. If all else failed, magic had my back without doubts or questions.

I grabbed my cell and shot a quick text off to Quinton to tell him to meet one of the twins at the bottom of the stairs. I felt a little like I was getting them to do my dirty work for me. It made me feel a bit like a coward but not enough to do it myself.

He didn’t text me back, but he didn’t need to. I knew he’d be down there with an angry scowl on his face and a terrible attitude.

Addison came up the stairs first with Abel right behind him.

They were both dressed in dark jeans and black, long-sleeved button-up shirts. It was amusing to me that neither was wearing shoes or even had socks on their feet. I guessed we were at home, and I wanted them both to be comfortable, but this was a date, after all.

That was not to say they didn’t look nice, because they very much did. It was nice to see them not wearing T-shirts for once.