I was told it was a rare gift that not many people had—told but not necessarily believed. I had no idea how truthful this information was because I felt like no one was honest with the Council these days since people were smart enough to know they couldn’t be trusted, so everyone kept secrets from them. And who could blame them? We’d kept secrets too.

Normal people couldn’t visit me in my dreams and, due to the magic Tyson had put into the dreamcatcher, nobody should be able to visit when I was sleeping under it.

Either the magic in the dreamcatcher was fading, or someone with some seriously powerful magic was trying to reach me in my sleep.

That scared the absolute shit out of me, because at this point, it really could be anybody. I wasn’t stupid enough to blame all my troubles on Adrian and the Council.

From the moment I’d joined the Council, I’d put myself out there, and I didn’t think there was a person in the entire community who didn’t know who I, or my coven now because of me, was.

It painted a huge target on my back and terrified me.

What scared me even more was knowing that if I told the guys about this, they’d probably put me on house arrest or some other kind of bullshit, and I wasn’t down with that.

Secrets didn’t make friends, but maybe this one time, my freedom was worth it.

Just maybe.


Isat down on the floor in the middle of the mess I’d made and couldn’t help but feel incredibly nervous. I had ordered roughly seven thousand, eight hundred and thirty-two packages off of Amazon, and they had all finally shown up.

Tyson had looked at me weird after he carried them up the stairs and dropped them off in my and Dash’s living room. It had taken him several trips, and I completely understood why he’d looked at me like he thought I’d lost my damn mind.

Hell, maybe I had.

I hated shopping with a passion, and I loathed spending my money because I didn’t think I needed to purchase a bunch of things that weren’t a necessity for living. I already had everything a girl needed in life, so more just made me feel greedy. Nothing good ever came from greed.

I had been unhappy ever since that failed attempt at shopping at the super store, however, and once I’d started to add things to my cart online, I just couldn’t seem to stop myself. For some stupid reason, the more my cart filled up, the more my anger and frustration at my situation just sort of melted away and the lighter I became.

The next thing I’d known, I’d spent an obscene amount of money and had a crap load of packages that boasted they’d be here in two days’ time. They lied. It had taken four. But that time had covered the weekend, so I didn’t mind.

Now, as I looked at all the packages scattered around me, I had the sudden urge to send it all back.

But I couldn’t do that because the salt and pepper twins deserved this. They deserved for me to make tonight special for them since I’d made them wait so long.

I hadn’t been able to help myself. I’d spent so much of my time either nervous or scared, and sometimes even a good dose of both mixed together. It was a potent mix that had really messed with my head.

They’d been patient with me, but they didn’t have to wait any longer.

Quinton had cured me of my fears—Quinton and Tyson together.

And, to be fair, the physical act of having sex with two people at the same time hadn’t really been what had been holding me back. I thought it had been knowing they were the last two men standing, and to cross that bridge with them meant there would be no coming back for me.

But it had been a very long time since I’d wanted to look for an escape in case I needed it.

I’d let it go for too long.

It was on me to make it right, so I’d set about getting that done.

Now I felt like maybe I’d gone a little bit psycho and wished I’d let someone else in on the plan so they could check me before I could get even more out of control.

My cell phone rang, and I jumped up to get it, grateful for the distraction from my crazy.


It had been a few days since I’d talked to him and even longer since I’d seen him. I missed him, so I happily answered the phone.

“Hey, mister. I miss you. Why have you been hiding from me?”