“Right,” he muttered irritably.

I thought he’d be happy about this, but he didn’t sound happy about anything anymore.

I stepped back a few more steps and continued to drag Simon along with me. He had no quarrel with leaving his brother to fend for himself. Someone had to stay with me at all times. I was the priority, but it made me sad because they were blood brothers and shared an incredible bond with each other. It would destroy them if something happened to the other.

They didn’t know it, but I took it as my job to keep them both safe. They’d be pissed if they knew, and maybe a little insulted because they were supposed to be badasses or witchy ninjas or whatever. They also had a whole lot of pride like every other damn man in my life.

I looked up and around, spotting all the cameras. Once I had a lock on all my targets, I ignored everything else, closed my eyes, and focused on that little flame that always burned bright inside my mind. It flickered brighter upon my touch, coming to life and ready to be unleashed.

I sent it out into the store, straight toward every single camera in the area. My eyes snapped open, and I didn’t have to see them to know they shone with an eerie light. People around me gasped as they surged backwards in an effort to get as far away from me and my freak show as possible. They didn’t hurt my feelings in the slightest, I wasn’t interested in being friends with them either.


Since I knew the cameras were down—unless Adrian had followed his little minion here and was sitting outside counteracting my magic, which I didn’t think he was doing because the lazy fuck liked to have people to do his dirty work for him—I was comfortable doing what I had to do next, because fuck these people.

I sent my magic out in a massive wave, hitting every single person in the store, save for my bodyguards and the man in the minivan, of course. Though it would have been interesting to send it at my guards and test them.

I didn’t have to visually see them all to know that every one of them who was not a witch or magically spelled against magic at the moment crumpled and dropped to the floor. Lights out. When they woke up later, they’d have no recollection of any of this. It’d be a great big mystery to all of them. After the police were phoned and the footage from the surveillance cameras showed absolutely nothing but varying shades of gray static, people would make up their own stories about what had happened.

I might even have to turn on the news, which I never watched, to see what kind of hilariousness they came up with to explain it.

My money was split between some type of government conspiracy cover-up bullshit or aliens. Aliens were making a comeback, so they’d probably win out. Then, the next day, everyone could place the blame and point their fingers at the government for trying to hide the fact there were aliens in the first place.

Finally, I was looking forward to watching the news for once. Usually it was far too depressing and horrific for me to stomach for longer than a few minutes.

Marcus Cole watched the news all the time.

If Rain Kimber did, I never witnessed it.

Uncle Quinton watched, but only when big, life-altering shit was going down in the world.

Dash watched it because he liked to have a heavy heart at all times. Romero probably watched right along with him with Binx chilling between them.

It was all fucking ridiculous, but at least I’d have someone to hold my hand and watch it with. That was something.

The man under the influence of either Adrian or the entire Council snarled as he stupidly lunged for Trenton.

I, for one, wasn’t concerned in the slightest. Both my bodyguards might be serious bosses when it came to using their magic, but that wasn’t the only thing they had trained in while growing up. Unlike most witches, they didn’t need their magic to kick someone’s ass. If you fucked with me, they could and would get physical in a way that would most likely make you bleed and cry.

It was fucking glorious every time they chose that route.

This time was no different.

I agreed with violence not always being the answer, but sometimes it truly was really freaking hot.

And there I went perving on my bodyguards. Again. I was getting out of control with this nonsense.

Oh look, his bulging muscles looked great in that T-shirt.

Fuck off, Ariel Kimber.

I wanted to roll my eyes at my damn self. Still, that wasn’t enough to stop me from turning around and walking backwards so I could enjoy the show.

With Simon guiding the way, I knew he wouldn’t let me trip and fall.

Trenton dodged to the side, and the man stumbled past him. At the last second, Trenton stuck out his boot, tripping the man who fell flat on his face in the middle of the aisle. His head bounced off the shiny, polished floor, and he groaned in agony as he rolled over onto his side and clutched his head.

If he had any sense in that head of his he would get up and run. He did no such thing.