Rain fired the car up, put down the windows, and hooked his phone up to the stereo. A couple seconds later, DMX and Machine Gun Kelly blared through the speakers. Rain put the car in reverse and floored it out of the garage and down the driveway.

Okay, so my hair got a little windblown and ended up looking kind of wild. But my heart felt lighter than it had in a really long time as we flew down the road at an insane speed. My mind cleared, and I sat back in my seat, enjoying the ride.

Rain was right, it was good for my soul.

It also didn’t hurt that his smile was so big it looked in danger of splitting his face wide open.

Really though, in the end, it was Rain Kimber who was the best magic for my soul. He was everything.


The sun had set, and night had fallen. The weather was perfect for spending the evening outside. It was warm, but thanks to the sun having gone down, it was not overwhelmingly hot.

The stars were out, and due to a lack of clouds, they were shining brightly in the sky like the perfect backdrop overhead.

We couldn’t have dreamed up a better night to have chosen to do this. Someone somewhere must have been looking out for me, because things didn’t usually go so well in my favor. I wasn’t complaining, but I didn’t miss the opportunity to tap my fist on the tree on the way past.

Knock on wood. Yes, I was superstitious like that. This witch couldn’t afford to be stupid anymore.

Rain and I were gone just a little bit longer than the half hour Isobel had given us, but neither one of us cared. We hadn’t needed words between us, but it had still felt like the absolute very best form of therapy I could have ever received.

Rain was the smartest man I knew, hands down.

Isobel had been in the house waiting for us to return, and she’d been freaking out like a crazy lady. Rain tried to calm her down, but even he couldn’t control her. Not that he ever could.

It was not like they were going to start the ceremony without me. Waiting an extra fifteen minutes wasn’t going to kill them.

She followed Rain and me through the house and out into the backyard. All the while, she berated us for taking off without giving anyone a heads-up, and didn’t we know we couldn’t be doing that kind of thing on a day like today?

Like I didn’t know that today was supposed to be a special day. Told you she was a crazy lady. I just wished she’d go back to ignoring me.

Rain entertained her nonsense and argued with her softly as we walked arm and arm through the woods and down the path. I tuned them out because I needed to, or they’d both drive me insane.

I was surprisingly calm and no longer anxious or nervous in the slightest. I was in the zone, and I was more than ready to get this party started.

As I walked through the woods, it was like my feet knew exactly where we were going, and I didn’t even have to think about where I stepped. So much had happened in the clearing that I just knew they’d do this out there. It was our special spot, and despite being kidnapped out there and Finn attempting to taint my tent, it would always be a special spot.

Now we just needed to wash away all the bad and replace it with something good.

“I need to call someone and let them know you’re back.” Isobel’s words finally penetrated, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her. They already knew I was here. I’d felt the tug on the link I shared with Dash. He knew the moment I returned home.

Isobel didn’t need to know anything about the link I shared with my ginger man. Outside of my men, it was no one’s business, and I wanted to keep it like that. I felt like I lived my life under a microscope and everyone knew every stupid little thing. It was nice to be able to keep something private for once.

We made it to the clearing, and I stopped dead in my tracks. My breath got lodged in my throat and tears suddenly prickled my eyes. A-fucking-gain.

It seemed like today was the day for crying happy tears. Those were the only kind that should be acceptable in public. Somebody ought to find Finn and tell him that. Not me, of course, because then he could just toss my own tears right back in my face and nobody needed that.

It might ruin all of this perfection, and what I was seeing in front of mewaspure perfection.

My boys had outdone themselves in the best kind of way.

As I looked around the clearing, I knew without a doubt this was exactly where I belonged. I had made a home here with these men, a real life for myself. They made me incredibly happy, and that was something I never thought I would be able to find in my life.

Yeah, sometimes they gave me a headache and made me want to throw things at them, but what was life without a little bit of passion? Probably boring, that was what.

I had lived a life full of abuse and heartbreaking loneliness. Then they found me, and my life was completely derailed in the best kind of way.

They had taken their time and worked their asses off to prove their love to me. They made me feel like I was worth it, because to them, I was worth everything. Vivian had spent so much time treating me as if I were worthless, and she’d worked so hard and been so good at it that even I had believed it for a while.