I sighed as I shook my head.

“Right. So I hate to have to say this to you, but I’m going to have to be the one to say this to you. You’re going to have to talk to Quinton about this.”

He opened his mouth to interrupt me, but I held up my hand to silence him before he could even get started. I hated to have to lecture him, but Quinton needed a champion, and I felt like I was the one best suited for the job and probably the only one outside of Tyson who wanted it.

“You’re going to hurt him if you don’t tell him and then just buy a whole building behind his back. Now I know that sounds ridiculous, but that’s just how he is. He likes to know everything that’s going on with all of us, his family. He thinks he’s our leader and in charge of all our happiness and well-being. He’s already going to feel like shit because he doesn’t know about this. And I’m not saying this to upset you, but this is going to be like a slap in the face to him. Please, just let him know what’s going on. You don’t have to listen to what he has to say about it, but you do have to be honest with him. Him and the rest of the guys too.”

Quinton, even when he wasn’t with me, was the absolute biggest pain in the ass I’d ever have in my whole freaking life. This was part of the reason why I argued with him all the time, even when he hadn’t done anything to provoke me. I just knew he always deserved it for whatever reason.

I expected Damien to argue with me or tell me to stop taking up for Quinton the A-hole. I expected everything but what I got from him.

His face softened sweetly, and he stepped away from the dress and moved into me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled us together until we were pressed tightly against one another. He cupped my cheeks with his hands and his warm eyes met mine.

“You’re right,” he murmured as his eyes dropped to my lips and they grew hungry. “You’re always right when it comes to Quinton. I shouldn’t keep things from him, but he’s just so damn overbearing at times that I find myself rebelling against him as if I were a naughty child and he’s my stern, disappointed daddy. It really makes it hard to share or even want to share things with him sometimes. He’s a hard man to deal with at times, but I’m glad he has you in his corner to stand up for him when we are all tired of his lame ass bullshit. Thank you for always looking out for him when the rest of us are too damn stubborn or fed up to deal with him properly.”

Yeah, that wasn’t what I thought he was going to say at all, but I definitely liked hearing it. It also kind of made me sad at the same time, because prickly Uncle Quinton gave so much of himself to all the people he loved, and it bothered me to not see him get all of that back in return.

It was easy to take a person like Quinton Alexander for granted because if you were important to him, he would go to hell and back for you without so much as a complaint, and even if you dicked him around, it wouldn’t matter because to him, love lasted forever. And by forever I meant until the day he took his last breath, and even then he’d probably look out for you from the afterlife until you joined him there. I knew that if I somehow ended up somewhere he wasn’t, he would find me and drag my ass back to where he was.

I knew the others would do the same for him, but it was less obvious than with Quinton.

“I don’t want to talk about Quinton anymore,” I told Damien. I just wanted to be here with him in this moment with the two of us. We didn’t get to spend enough time with just the two of us as I would have liked. I had nothing against Julian, I loved him just as much as I loved Damien, but some one-on-one time was very much appreciated every now and then.

“I don’t want to talk about Quinton anymore either.”

Finally, we were on the same page about everything.

“Do you want to see the other dresses anyways?” he asked.

No, I did not want to see the other dresses. What if I fell in love with another one? It wasn’t like I could wear two dresses, I only needed one.

I shook my head, and he grinned at me with his eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Want to make out in your closet?”

Uh, heck yeah I wanted to make out in my closet with him. I wanted to do way more than make out with him, but just not in my closet because… “Carpet burn on my ass is not fun.”

He laughed happily. “You can be on top.”

I shook my head as I sighed sadly. “It’s not fun on your knees either.” I knew this one for a fact as well.

Damien was not to be deterred. Clearly, he had a one-track mind, no aversion to carpet burn, and an almost unhealthy need for my pussy.

I loved it.

I loved him, and I couldn’t wait to show him just how much.

He leaned in, and his hands went to the backs of my thighs. He lifted me off my feet and carried me over to the counter in the center of the room. He placed my butt gently on the countertop and released me.

Well, he’d just solved my problems with carpet burn.

“Kiss me,” I murmured as I tugged on his shirt, attempting to pull him back to me. He had promised me a hot make out session, and I was more than ready for it.

“Oh, I plan on it,” he said as he reached for the hem of my shirt. He dragged it up my body, and I lifted my arms to help him out. He dropped the shirt to the floor, and his eyes dropped to my white lace see-through bra. “But I didn’t say anything about kissing your lips.”

Okay then. I thought we were going to make out, but I liked the sound of this even more. A happy shiver ran down my spine, and my nipples immediately hardened. Of course he noticed, and his eyes darkened. He liked what he saw, and the desire in his eyes made me squirm on the countertop as wetness pooled between my thighs.

He grabbed the top of my leggings and my panties. “Lift your ass up and help me get these off.”