“Who are you?” I rudely demanded to know.
“Ariel,” Quinton said in a quiet, chiding voice. He had exited the Rover and was rounding the hood, headed towards me as he spoke. “She didn’t mean to be rude. She’s very nervous about this meeting and doesn’t know what she’s saying. I promise you, she did not mean to be rude to you.”
Quinton was right. I hadn’t meant to be rude, it had just come out that way. Like most things did with me when I got nervous or scared. I needed to get a better filter for my mouth.
“I do believe the girl can speak for herself, Quinton.”
I folded my arms across my stomach to stop my hands from shaking but I didn’t take me eyes off of the man standing in front of me. He was the biggest threat to me at the moment and it didn’t feel right to look away from him. I felt sure that the moment I looked away would be the moment he struck.
“Forgive me, child.” He held a hand out to me that was covered in jeweled rings. “I was so excited to meet you that I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Adrian Almatiez and I am a member of the Council of Elders. And you are Ariel Kimber.”
I unwrapped my arms from around my middle and hesitantly reached for his outstretched hand.
The moment we touched, a surge of heat hit me and blew up my arm.
I gasped in shock as I tore my hand away from his and staggered backwards. My back hit the passenger door and I cradled my hand to my chest.
My entire arm tingled. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant, but it wasn’t a great feeling either.
The man, Adrian Almatiez, grinned gleefully at me as he clasped his hands together in front of his chin. He looked ready to burst with joy and happiness all at the same time.
And he creeped me right the fuck out.
“How wonderful,” he whispered in awe as he clapped his hands in delight.
Wonderful was not how I would choose to describe it.
I felt like he’d just done something to me that he wasn’t supposed to. Like, he was a naughty child acting out. I did not want him touching me again. Not just any time soon, but ever.
Quinton’s arm wrapped around my shaking shoulders and he pulled me into the warmth and safety of his body. I should have never gotten out of the Rover.
“Keep your hands to yourself, Adrian.” Tyson growled from beside me.
The silver SUV pulled up beside us with the twin’s black truck right behind them and parking on the other side. Doors opened and slammed shut as the rest of the guys got out of their vehicles and made their way towards us.
Adrian and I stared at each other in silence. The glee had faded away from his face leaving behind absolutely nothing in it’s place. He went from gleeful to blank in no time and it was fascinating yet frightening all at once to see.
“You are a beauty,” Adrian said in his happy voice. “Even with that hideous mark on your face.”
At his bold words, my body jerked as if he’d struck me. In a way, he had because he’d certainly landed a verbal blow.
They’d all been so careful with me when it came to my face and I’d been so worried about them no longer being able to find me attractive because of it. Somehow, somewhere along the way, I’d almost forgotten it was even there. And I’d certainly stopped thinking about what others would think of me because of it. Scar or no scar, the guys weren’t going anywhere, and they didn’t care that I had a mark on my face. It was there, it wasn’t going anywhere. I had to live with it and make the best of it. This man, Adrian, or whoever the fuck he was, bringing it up in such a blunt way didn’t upset me as he had clearly intended it to do. It more so amused me. I’d grown up with Vivian Kimber. There weren’t a lot of snide remarks that I couldn’t take in stride. If my face was the only thing he had to poke fun of, he was going to be sadly disappointed and needed to get himself some new material.
The guys, however, did not see it the same way. They were outraged on my behalf and pissed off, to say the least.
My heart swelled to almost bursting at their protective stances and anger on my behalf.
“Adrian,” Quinton growled in a low voice. “Watch your fucking words.”
“Did you honestly just say that to her?” Abel asked in a low rumble as the twins made it to our little huddle.
“Some things will never change, twin,” Addison snarled. “They’re the same as they always were. We were right to stay as far away from them as possible since mother and father died.”
“No kidding,” Abel muttered back in disgust.
“Ariel,” Damien said, “get back in the car.”
I bit my lip and shook my head.