Julian let me go without hesitation and I appreciated it. Quinton wouldn’t have let me go so easily and we would have gotten into a verbal sparring match because of it. I’m not going to lie and say that I didn’t like this about Quinton because, like I said, this would be a lie. But the things I found attractive in Quinton weren’t so attractive in others and the things I found attractive in other people I likely wouldn’t find attractive in Quinton. I liked it that Julian let me go so easily and I liked it when Quinton held on so tight it was a struggle to breath sometimes. They were different people and their actions and words showcased this. I had much to learn about all of them and I looked forward to learning most of. That didn’t mean I would enjoy the half of it.

Quinton stepped forward and to the side, blocking my way and standing in front of Tyson. Tyson must not have liked Quint standing in his way because he side stepped him, moving closer to Damien. Now I truly was blocked off from the exit.

“What?” I snapped angrily at Quinton, not liking that he’d blocked my way and I’d been trapped.

He grinned at me and I shook my head. I was beginning to think Quinton liked it when I threw my attitude at him.

“Who were you calling a liar this time?” He asked me in a highly amused voice.

My jaw clenched. This was payback for that text I’d sent him. This was him getting back at me for calling him out. He thought he knew me and he thought I wouldn’t be brave enough to bring it up face to face and in front of others.

Any other time and I would have agreed with him. But not this time. This time it had been Julian I had accused of lying about Damien’s cooking skills. I wasn’t about to repeat what Julian told me and I sure as heck wasn’t going to bring it up in any way. I titled my head to the side and sought out Damien’s eyes, feeling like he was the best person to have this conversation with.

“Did you know he,” I jerked my chin in Quinton’s direction, “stole my underwear once?”

Damien blinked at me. “We all know about that,” he said. “In truth, I think he picked up the closest thing to him that was small enough to fit in his pocket at the time. Every one of us has given him a hard time about it but he swears it was an accident.” Damien shrugged. “How do you think he always knows where to find you?”

“Wha… What?” I stammered, not understanding what he was saying. In the back of my mind, I was going through each and every encounter I’d had with Quinton. He had always seemed to know exactly where to find me.

I pointed a finger in Quinton’s face. “If you can use magic to find me then you can-”

He cut me off. “It’s different. From everything that I’ve tried, the only thing I can come up with is that your mot… Vivian found some way and someone to aide her in using your magic to create that block between you and your… Rain. I brought over a trunk full of books to look through, but I honestly need a break from it. I’m going to take a nap on the couch, then maybe after dinner and you’ve unpacked and tried on your clothes, you can help me go through the rest of the books and look through what I’ve already found.”

As nice as he worded it, I knew he wasn’t asking. He was telling me what we were going to be doing.

In that moment, while staring into his arrogant face, knowing he expected me to argue with him before giving in, I became inspired. Truly, I was inspired.

Two could play at Quinton’s game. I knew I was an amateur where Quinton was a pro, but I’d be giving it my best effort.

I cocked my head to the side and smiled at Quinton sweetly.

Quinton’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms around his chest. He opened his mouth to speak but I was ready for that and I beat him to it.

“You know what?” I asked in a falsely bright voice, a voice I don’t think I had ever used before in my entire life.

Quinton’s body twitched at the sickly-sweet sound of my voice.

Victory was mine and fast approaching.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I gushed. “I’ll even cook dinner for all of us!”

“You know how to cook?” He shot back at me without hesitation.

No matter what, Quinton never faltered. A trait I hoped to one day learn from him.

“I know how to read,” I shot back in my sweet voice. “I’ve made plenty of things by reading the directions off of the back of the box.”

Yeah, like pancakes. I was in over my head but knew with where I was taking it, it wouldn’t matter.

“Just to be safe though,” I said, “since it seems you have a serious lack of faith in me in this department…” I turned my bright, false smile on Damien, and said, “I was hoping you would give me a hand and we could cook dinner together for everyone tonight. I know we really haven’t gotten to know each other very well and I think this would be a great place to start. What do you think?”

Like Quinton, Damien’s eyes had narrowed on my face. I saw the knowledge in his eyes that he knew his cooking was so bad it was to the point of being toxic and he now knew that someone had told me all about it. He probably even knew who. But what he didn’t quite understand was why I was doing this. His eyes slid from my fake smile to Quinton’s arrogant smirk and his entire face softened.

“I would like nothing more,” Damien said quietly. There was something in his voice that told me he wasn’t exactly lying, either.

“Great!” I chirped with meaning.

I smirked at Quinton before walking around him. Tyson moved aside, clearing the way for me. His eyes were on his feet, but I knew he was grinning.