By the time I got downstairs after making a pit stop in the bathroom to brush my teeth my comforter had been pulled back. Abel was already under it and I wasn’t surprised to see he’d taken the side closest to the television.
My eyes grew wide when I noticed he had the comforter pulled halfway up his bare chest. I sure hoped he had something on under there. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t.
Something warm pressed into the small of my back, gently pushing me further into the room.
“You need to get in so that I can get in,” Addison said from behind me and I rightly assumed the warmth that had been pressed into my back was his hand.
The heat made me shiver and I wondered if I would ever get used to it. I kind of hoped not because I liked the way it felt now.
I walked to the edge of the blanket bed and dropped down to my knees on top of it. I crawled towards where the pillows were on my hands and knees. Abel held the blanket open for me and I crawled under it. I caught a glimpse of his bare stomach and the dark line of hair that trailed down into his boxers. I had never been so happy to see someone in their underwear before.
Addison crawled in behind me as I got myself situated and fluffed my pillow.
Once we were all settled, Addison reached over and grabbed the remote control from where it had been left on the couch.
“Movie or tv,” he asked as he aimed the remote at the blue television screen.
He was nuts if he thought I was crawling out from between them to put a movie in the DVD player. I would have to crawl over them to get out and I’d have to do the same to get back in. It was likely Abel would be stuck with that job and he needed to keep his half naked body under the blanket.
I looked over to Addison and was relieved to see he at least had on a thin black t-shirt. If he had a shirt on, it was a safe bet that he had some form of bottoms on as well. I didn’t have a problem with their bodies, they had beautiful bodies, I was just not used to seeing all that skin on display. And there were two of them. Maybe I was the prude Quinton had called me. Then again, maybe it was like everything else about them. Something that would simply take time for me to get used to.
I was okay if it was the first. I was more than okay with it being the latter.
Chapter Nineteen
“Do you think this is what one would refer to as a twin sandwich?” I heard an amused male voice ask.
Groggily, I thought it was the voice of Damien. What was Damien doing here? Was he moving in now too?
I groaned and tried to roll to my side. I was blocked in on both fronts and unable to move even the barest of inches. I was thoroughly trapped and engulfed in the sweetest burn I had ever felt.
“Holy shit,” Julian whispered loudly.
I wriggled my body, looking for a way out of the trap I had been caught up in. I was confused and trying really hard not to panic at being stuck.
My elbow struck something soft and a very masculine groan came from the body behind me. Addison, I thought. I think he had been on that side of me when I’d fallen asleep.
My Salt and Pepper twins were trying to smother me to death with their big bodies.
The heavy arm around my waist holding me down slid away. The weight pressed against my back moved away and cool air hit my skin.
My… skin?
I shouldn’t have had that much skin exposed for the cool air to hit.
I pressed my palms against the body I was laying on top of and… Shit! I was laying on top of a body. Abel’s big body. I pressed my palms into his chest and pushed myself up as far as I could go. It wasn’t that far. I was able to move my legs around until I could press my knees into the blanket bed. This left me straddling Abel’s thigh.
I stared down at him through the mass of my thick hair and knew there were at least two different people standing behind us gawking.
Next time, whether I had a nightlight in my room or not, we were sleeping in there. I was not a big fan of being gawked at like a side show circus freak.
“Stop staring at us,” Addison growled in his rough, gravelly voice. “You’re going to upset her and that is not fucking cool.”
Addison sounded really upset and I couldn’t blame him. We had just woken up and we didn’t need this, not before our first cup of coffee.
“Right,” Julian mumbled apologetically.
“Sorry,” Damien said loudly, not sounding sorry at all.