Swallowing against the tightness in his throat, Asher let out his breath slowly, aware of the knot in his stomach.


“Atable for Addington?”

Willow waited as the server looked down over the list of diners for the evening.

“Ah, yes, here you are.” The man looked up and smiled. “A table for two, yes?”

“Yes, that’s right.” In the back of her mind, Willow realized that somewhere out there, Asher wasalsositting a table just for two—a seat for him and a seat for his date.

I’ve got a date.Her eyes squeezed closed for a second as she remembered how the casual, off-handed way he’d said it had struck her with pain as she’d tried not to outwardly react. Asher didn’t need to see just how much she was struggling.

“This way, please.”

Willow followed after the server. He led her through the restaurant to the very back and, to her surprise, into a quiet little extension without any other diners.

That’s not Hadley.

“Willow.” Asher got to his feet the minute he saw her.

“Excuse me.” The server stepped back, melting into the shadows before he turned and walked away, leaving Asher and Willow alone.

“I…I don’t understand.” Her mind had gone blank as she stared at Asher, trying to work out why he was here. “I thought you said you had a date.”

“I do. I have a date with you.” Pushing back his chair, he began to walk over to her. “We have a lot to talk about, and I wanted to find the right place to do it.”

I can’t do this. It’ll hurt too much.“I’m not sure we do.” Her voice was shaking, and she shook her head, looking away. “I don’t think there’s anything that needs to be said.”

The shock of seeing him was beginning to spread into the very tips of her fingers as numbness began to capture her limbs. Her eyes didn’t seem to know where they wanted to look, struggling to fix themselves to any one point.


Electricity shot through her when he took her hand, and her heart turned over in her chest.

“Please don’t do this to me. I can’t bear it.” It took her a moment to realize she’d spoken out loud.

Asher took another small step forward, and Willow jerked back, only to realize that he was still holding her hand.

“I need to tell you something.” Asher’s voice was low and filled with meaning, to the point that Willow had no other choice but to lift her gaze toward him. “Something that I probably should have told you a long time ago. Something that would have changed everything if I’d just been straight with you.”

A sheen of tears began to burn in her eyes, and Willow opened her mouth, wanting to find any excuse, any reason to end this conversation right here and now.

“Please, Willow, let me finish.” His other hand caught her chin for just a second, his touch searing her skin and leaving her in a puddle of confusion, fear, and longing. “A lot of this confusion is my fault.” Taking in a long breath, he lifted his chin a fraction, his eyes fixed to hers, demanding her attention. “The truth is, Willow, I’ve always loved you.”

His words fell on her like beautiful shining stars. They lit up the air around her, gentle sparks everywhere. Her eyes went wide, filled with nothing but him and the light that he had suddenly brought into the dark shadows of her life. She was staring at him, not knowing where else to look, hardly able to believe what he’d said.

His free hand grasped hers, and warmth spread up through her numb fingers until her heart was so full of life and heat that she didn’t think it could be contained. She wanted to explode with relief and happiness, to throw herself into his arms and let all the broken pieces in her heart heal—but she could barely move an inch.

“Did you hear me, Willow?” He was closer to her now, closer than he’d ever been before. It was all too much, too incredible for her to take in.

If I blink, will this whole thing come to an end? Will I realize I’ve just been dreaming?

“At least try and breathe!” Asher’s familiar teasing grin broke through the veil of incredulity that had draped itself over her. Letting out a choked half laugh, half sob, she threw her arms around him, burrowing her face into the curve of his neck. Asher let out a huff of breath, his arms holding her tightly, as though he never wanted to let her go.

There was nothing but silence for a few minutes, broken only by Willow’s gasping breaths.

He loves me. Asherlovesme!