

I peer down at my cell phone screen, my eyes roaming over the information that Xander sent me. Fuck, I shouldn’t be here right now, shouldn’t be doing this job, but the thought of this fuck-face taking another breath of precious oxygen enrages me. The look in the young guy’s eyes in that restaurant told me he was willing to take down the entire world or die trying, to protect what’s his, and I admire that.

It’s half of the reason I said I would do this job. Standing outside the douchebag’s mansion, I consider what I’m about to do. He has some security around this place, but it’s shitty, this will be an easy job.

I wait until he goes to bed before I sneak around to the back patio, disable the alarm system and unlock the back door with a key Xander bought from the lady who comes and cleans this place every week.

Walking up the stairs, I can feel my heart rate picking up, the familiar feeling of excitement before the kill filling my veins. If it wasn’t for Grace, I would never give this up. But for her, I will. I have. Because it doesn’t matter how much I love this feeling, I love her more.

I get to the bedroom I know he is in, gripping on to my gun tightly, as I open the door quietly with my free hand. When I’m in the room, I flip on the light. Not my normal M.O. but I want to see this guy while I do this. I want to see the fear of pain and death in his eyes. I want to make him suffer like he made others suffer.

The light illuminates the room and the man I’m about to kill stirs in his bed. It only takes him a second to realize what’s going on. He reaches for his nightstand, probably has a gun in there, but I don’t let him get to it. I shoot him in the shoulder before he can even open the drawer. He yelps out in pain, holding onto his wound as if it matters that he might bleed out.

“Get up, asshole,” I order, keeping my gun pointed at his head.

“Who are you? What do you want?” He scrams off the bed asking me unimportant questions.

“Drop your boxers,” I growl.

“What? Why?”

“Drop you fucking boxers!” I hiss out, and like the pussy he is, he bends down pulling off his boxers. “Now spread your legs.”

He looks at me in confusion, his whole body shaking in fear as he spreads his legs wide. Before he can figure out what I’m about to do, I lower my gun and pull the trigger, shooting the dick and balls right off this piece of shit.

I’ve never heard a grown man scream so loud, and I don’t think I have ever enjoyed hearing a pained cry like I do this one. “Have fun bleeding out, you dickless cunt.”

As soon as I walk in the door, I feel her eyes on me. She knows, without even saying a word, I know that she knows.

“I thought you were done with this shit, Luke! You promised me that you would stop. Wasn’t it enough that I was kidnapped, that I could’ve been raped and killed because of this kind of shit, and what do you do, you go back to the same ole’ thing?”

I stare at her beautiful face, an itch to touch her rippling through me.

“You done yet, beautiful, or do you have more to say?” Placing both hands on her hips she stares me down. She might be a foot shorter than me, but she’s like a hurricane. You never know the true power she holds until she makes landfall, right on your face.

“I swear to god, if you took another job, I will…” She snarls her cute little lip and I can’t help but smile. Shucking out of my jacket, I toss it onto a nearby chair and close the door behind me. Then I’m prowling toward her, her eyes widen, flickering with heat.

“What will you do?” I ask, once in front of her.

“Leave. I will leave you.” Her lips thin out, and my smile widens further at her admission. Fuck, I would love to see her try.

Grabbing her by the chin, I force her to look up at me, “Try, Babe. Try and leave and I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth. I’ll fuck you into submission and bring you back to my cave where I’ll fill your belly with my seed, over and over again until you’re nothing but a withering mess of need.”

She rolls her eyes, “You’re such a Neanderthal, now tell me what happened.”

“Yeah, but you like it.” I wink, releasing her but not before placing a kiss against her nose. I sit on the edge of the sectional and take off my boots and start explaining, “This guy Xander knows came asking for help. He knew about a man who has been abusing women for years and kept getting away with it because he has money and connections. If it makes you feel better, it wasn’t a job. He wanted to pay me, but I told him I didn’t want any money for this one. So, you could call it a favor, a favor to humanity, for ridding the earth of this scum.”