The next morning, Luke gets up early and goes to talk to Xander before breakfast. I sit cross-legged on the bed, counting down the seconds to his return. I’m so worried I could cry. Yes, Xander might have helped save me, but what if he won’t let Luke go? I don’t really know this guy, what if he holds helping Luke, helping me, over his head? What if saving me, is the reason he refuses to let him walk away?

My thoughts swirl, twisting and turning, and I bite at the inside of my cheek until I taste blood. When the door finally opens, I almost explode with anticipation. My eyes lock on Luke’s. I can’t read his facial expression which only heightens my anxiety level.

“What did he say?” I blurt out, tired of waiting for him to say something.

Luke winces, “He wasn’t happy, but he understood. He said I can still work for him, but in one of his legitimate businesses.”

“Really?” A sigh shudders out of me, feeling like a huge boulder has been lifted off my chest.

“Yup, I told you not to worry, didn’t I?” he says, smiling softly while walking over to me. “You’ve been through enough, the last thing you need to worry about is me.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and grazes my cheek with his knuckles. “Are you ready for breakfast?”

I nod furiously because honestly, I’m starving. Last night I was far too anxious to eat a single thing, but now, I’m ready to eat an entire buffet. A few minutes later we walk downstairs. I didn’t get a chance to take in the beauty of this house yesterday, so now I find myself gawking at every little thing as we walk by it. Luke and I are holding hands when we enter the large dining room, which already has two people seated.

“So glad you could join us. I hope you’re feeling okay this morning, Grace?” Xander’s deep voice pierces my ears, and I nod, looking over at him. Power oozes from every pore in his body, and I vibrate with sudden fear. This man is all business and a whole lot of bite.

“Thank you.” My voice cracks, and I clear it as we take two open seats beside each other. “For helping Luke and saving me.”

“Like I said before, it’s nothing. Please eat some food. I’m sure you’re hungry, and my wife, Ella, made some of the best blueberry muffins ever.” Xander smiles, his eyes softening as he takes his wife’s hand.

Ella gives me a soft smile, “It’s so nice to meet you, Grace, though it’s under crappy circumstances. I’ve heard lots of wonderful things about you. I’m glad Luke finally got you back.” Then she turns to Luke. “I talked to Violet this morning, and it looks like they are really moving. Everything is set, and Roman and Sophie are moving too.”

“That’s great, it will be nice having everybody together,” Luke says, squeezing my hand gently under the table.

“It will be,” Xander adds, a genuine smile on his face, and I realize that I might have found a new family. “Oh, before I forget. I found out that the guy who installed your security system was on Angelini’s payroll. I’m having one of my guys install a new one right now.”

“Thank you,” Luke responds, but Xander holds up his hand.

“Stop thanking me already.” Just then high-pitched children’s laughter echoes through the house. “The kids must be done playing on the playground.”

A moment later a small boy bursts through the door, the same dark-colored hair as Xander’s. He runs around the table to Ella first, pulling her arm down to get on her lap.

A woman I haven’t met yet enters the room, holding the hand of a small girl who looks like a pint-sized version of Ella. “Dada,” the girl who looks like she isn’t even two-years-old squeals and starts running toward Xander who catches the girl with open arms and places her on his lap.

“Clare, you may take the rest of the day off, we’ll be home all day,” Xander tells the young woman. She nods courteously and scurries away.

“This is Quinton,” Ella introduces the boy on her lap to me, “and this little daddy’s girl is Scarlet,” she points to the small girl who is now cuddled into Xander’s chest, looking like she is about to go to sleep. When I look up at Xander’s face, I almost don’t recognize the man I saw earlier. He doesn’t look like a businessman or mob boss anymore. All I see in his gaze as he looks at his daughter is the love he has for his family. And now more than ever I am glad to have become a part of that family.

“We protect ours, Grace, and we’ll protect you, Luke, and any future children you decide to have.” Xander smiles at me, and I know without a doubt, he means the words he says.