“The night is still young; we can do whatever you want. Maybe get you drunk,” I wink.

Grace’s eyes twinkle with excitement, and I know I’ll never get over that look, that smile. She loves me as much as I love her, and her confession today proved it. Now I just have to find a way to keep us together forever.



I wake up with a headache from Hell. My entire head is throbbing as if someone slammed a hammer into it numerous times, even thinking hurts. Prying my eyes open, I blink, holy hell even my eyeballs hurt. A groan slips past my dry lips as I try and lift my arm, every muscle in my body protesting. My mouth feels like I haven’t had a drop of water in weeks and my stomach churns like I’ve consumed some deadly poison.

What the hell happened?

Before I even attempt to remember last night, I look around the room, to determine where I am. Slowly, very slowly, so I don’t send all the drinks I’ve obviously consumed overnight onto the floor, I move my head to scan the space. I’m in bed, in our hotel room, with no Luke. As if he knows that I’m thinking about him, the door to the bedroom opens, and he walks in with a coffee cup in his hands, and a box that looks like some sort of takeout.

“Morning, Sunshine,” he says quietly, but even that is too loud.

“What happened? I don’t remember how I got back to the hotel.” My voice sounds raspy which matches the way my throat feels—like sandpaper.

“Well, as long as you remember me,” Luke smiles as he walks over and sits down on the bed next to me. “I got you some breakfast and coffee. I figured you wouldn’t feel so great after the amount of booze you drank last night.”

I groan, scrubbing a hand down my face. As I do so, I realize there is a heaviness to my hand that was never there before. Confused I peer down at it. There on my hand is a glittery diamond ring.

What. The. Fuck.

“What the hell is on my finger?” I growl, though it sounds more like a hiss.

“Your ring finger?” Luke smiles wide. “Your wedding ring, of course.”

“My wedding, what?” I ask, staring at the huge diamond that rests on a thin silver band. “Why would I be wearing a wedding ring? I’m not married.” My heart starts to do somersaults in my chest. What the hell happened last night?

“Well, you weren’t yesterday, but you are today.” Luke holds out his hand, showing me the matching silver wedding band that adorns his ring finger. “We got married last night, I can’t believe you forgot. I mean, since it was your idea.”

“Fuck, no!” Pressing a hand to my head right over the vein that seems to be throbbing, I will all of this to go away.

“Oh, come on, you can’t really be that upset?”

My face deadpans, “I am. I don’t even remember the ceremony. Why would you let me do something like that?” I frown, feeling completely defeated.

“It doesn’t really matter. We were going to end up married one day anyway, and I let you because for the first time in forever you were mine again. You wanted me, you told me you loved me. And typical to my word you asked me to marry you, so I made it happen.”

“Luke…” I groan again, moving slowly from the bed. As I do, I feel the cold air against my bare skin. Shit, I’m guessing we had sex too, and I don’t remember that either.

“We have to fix this.”

Luke shakes his head, “There’s nothing to fix. We’re married.”

“Can’t it be undone?” I cringe at the words. It’s not that I never would’ve gotten married to Luke. It’s that if I was going to do it, I would’ve wanted to do it on my own time, with a big wedding, and a ceremony that I wasn’t obliterated at.

Sadness creeps into Luke’s features, and I feel it in my heart, the tiny wound that my words left behind. “It won’t be undone. You are my wife, and you will be until death do us part. End of story.” He gets up, leaving a box of food on the bed, and the cup of coffee on the nightstand. “Eat, I’m getting you something for your headache.”

And with that, he leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I lie back down slowly; the soft feather suddenly feels like a pile of rocks against the back of my head.

I’m married. I let the words sink in. To Luke… I’m married to Luke.

I would be lying if I said I’d never thought about it. When I was younger, I was positive I would marry Luke one day, and even when we were apart, even after I saw him kill, part of me never let go of him. Part of me never stopped loving him, and I don’t think I ever will.