Ruthless, savage, dark. Those were all things Xander was, that I suppose he still is when he’s not around his doting wife.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Xander smiles, or at least tries. Grace looks up, a sour expression overtaking her doll like features. It looks like she’s seconds away from puking.

“It’s nice to meet you as well.” She replies softly, even though her words don’t match her body language. She tightens the hold on her towel, her knuckles turning white as she turns her gaze to me. In her eyes, I see distress, anger, confusion. I wish I hadn’t brought her into this shit storm. I wish I wasn’t so selfish, and I could let her go. But I can’t, fuck, I just can’t.

“I need to get dressed.” She simply states. No emotion to her words. This is her hinting at us needing to get out of the room, and I’m good with that. I’ll give her some space. I give her a curt nod and start walking out of the bedroom. Xander follows behind me and closes the door. As soon as we’re alone in the living room he pins me with a cold stare.

“Why didn’t you tell me you went and got her?”

Gritting my teeth, I answer, “I wasn’t planning on getting her that day, it just happened and honestly I figured the less people that know about her being here the safer she is. It seems like trouble always finds her. If I didn’t take her that day someone else would’ve, and you know what she means to me. It might have been a selfish move but now that she’s here I’m not giving her up.”

Xander knew that more than anyone else. His love for Ella knew no bounds, he would do anything that he could for her. He would burn the entire fucking world down. And I would do the same for Grace.

“That is true, but after last night…” Xander trails off, and I know what he is about to say. “Please tell me you weren’t dumb enough to actually take her with you last night?” I cringe, mainly because I know I fucked up.

“Yes, I didn’t want to bring her, and I laced her drink with something, but she didn’t end up drinking it.” I say. “She got out of the car, saw the entire thing, it was a complete shit show. I don’t ever want to put her in danger like that again.”

“I get it, but you’ve got to let me know when shit goes down, Luke. I’m your boss. If you need extra muscle, I can send someone in. Don’t think because you’re the top hit man for the family that you have to do it all alone. I mean you didn’t even call for a clean-up crew. You fucked up, Luke.” Xander is definitely pissed off. If his harsh tone didn’t give him away, his facial expression sure does, and I understand why, but my need to protect Grace consumed me.

“I’ll do better next time,” I admit exhaling a ragged breath. I’ll have to if I plan to keep Grace safe, and still work for the Rossi family. It’s the only thing that’s kept the demons inside of me at bay. I often blame myself for the things I had to do to survive, the things that Grace saw me do that day. Hurting people that deserve it, it might be fucked up, but it makes me feel like a superhero, like maybe I’m finally saving someone.

“You better, if I have to come back out to your house and check on you again there are going to be consequences. Most of my men think I’ve gone soft and that’s partially because I have, but don’t push me, Luke.” He finishes his statement and without warning nails me in the face. Pain lances through my face, as his knuckles make impact with my nose. Fucking Christ.

I squeeze my eyelids shut and grit my teeth to compose myself. I’m not stupid enough to punch Xander back. Even if it’s what I really want to do right now.

I blink my eyes open and notice he’s now in my space, looking just as deadly, and cold as he did the day I met him, two years ago.

“Get rid of the stray that saw you. You’ve put an X on your girl’s back by letting her be seen. If they think you have a weakness, then they’ll think the Rossi family has a weakness. I consider you to be like a son, Luke, but I don’t like messes, and at the end of the day I will protect my wife, and children first.” The warning is clear… fuck up again, risk his family and something may happen.

“Of course, I wouldn’t expect any less.” I speak through clenched teeth. He smirks at me and lands a hard slap on my back.