Unless the man had been sent to watch her? Or sent to bring her back?

She felt sick to her stomach at the thought. Her mother would die if she went back to that man. Of that, she had no doubt.

Chapter 27

Turner watched the woman walking toward him. She kept her head down. He didn’t remember Debra’s daughter doing that very often.

The girl had been so damned full of herself, always acting like the world should stop turning if she gave the word. Like people owed her something.

Still, this was her. He was sure of it. He hadn’t been able to get her alone in the last day. She walked out to her car at night with friends and gone home with a man who spent the night. Tramp.

Still he had her now. She was walking from the parking lot to the main lodge and it was early enough that no one else was around.

He waited until she was past him in the dim light and then stepped from the shadows.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Jane.”

The woman stopped and turned, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“Excuse me?”

Turner studied her, stepping closer.

She took a step back, panic starting to fill her eyes.

And another step. Dammit, he needed to grab her.

But something was off.

She took one more step and the light from one of the lampposts spilled over her and he saw her clearly.

It wasn’t her. Fuck! It wasn’t her.

He smiled, stopping. “Sorry. Wrong person.”

He turned and moved away from the girl quickly, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself.

Hopefully she wouldn’t report him. If he got lucky, she’d assume he had been playing a joke on someone he knew and mistook her for that person.

It wasn’t like he’d had a weapon or threatened her or anything.

He needed to get his ass to New Jersey and see if his PI’s lead panned out. He was so damned tired of chasing these women. So damned tired of waiting for the chance to get his wife back where she belonged. To teach her that she can’t ever get away.

Chapter 28

Dread pooled in Joy’s stomach and chest. Should she go to her mom this time instead of a new place? But dammit, she’d just purposefully led Turner here. If she went straight to her mom now, she’d lead him right to her?

But if he already knew she was there, Joy needed to get to her.

She covered her mouth, tears starting to form in her eyes as she paced. She was so tired. So damned drained and tired of trying to fight this battle alone. It was too much.

A knock on her door froze her to the floor.

“Joy, it’s Kaeden. Open up.”

Damn it. She closed her eyes. She should have been out of here already. She should be gone.

“Joy, I know you’re in there. I saw you when I was coming across the field and I know something’s wrong. I saw the way you were running. Open up and talk to me.”