His careless shrug almost convinced her he wasn’t bothered by the fact he’d missed the start of one of the group activities he was in charge of. “Had to make a phone call.”

They were quiet for a few minutes before he leaned in close to her. “So, tell me the rest of your story. There has to be more to it.”

She was startled to realize she wanted to. Luckily, she wasn’t that stupid. It was only the fact she’d been so cut off from everyone for over a year that made her feel that temptation. “No story. Just working for a living. The lodge is a good place to do it.”

A great place, actually. She loved Carl and Evelyn and she hated that she needed to leave. Maybe if she told them she had to go instead of just taking off, they’d let her come back someday. Would it hurt her to return in a couple of years?

Exhaustion hit her then. Would she still be running in a couple of years? Would Turner have given up and left them in peace by then? How would she know? It’s not like she could take a chance.

The thought of keeping this up for five, ten—even more years almost swamped her.

“Yeah, there’s something more there. Something you aren’t telling me,” Kaeden said so quietly she didn’t know if he meant for her to hear it. His words snapped her back to him and she realized he was watching her intently. There was more than curiosity there. He was angry that she wasn’t being honest with him. He was trying to hide it but she could see it there.

Well, he could get as mad as he wanted. It didn’t change the situation. She took a deep breath and swept away the cloud in her thoughts, plastering a bright smile on her face. “Like in the movies? I’ve got a big bad secret I can’t let anyone know.” Truer words and all that.

“Do you?” His eyes said he believed she did.

Joy forced a laugh. “Maybe you’ll find out I’ve buried the bodies of ten people out back. I target control-freak businessmen who don’t know how to let their hair down and you’re my next victim.”

Now he scowled but she saw a playful edge to it as his frustration with her seemed to flicker. “I can let my hair down just fine, thank you.”

A grin played on her lips at that.

“You didn’t answer the question.”

Joy sighed. “No big secret. I’m just a woman working for a living.” The lie came easily. She was used to it now.

He grinned and looked to where some of the couples in the group were slow dancing even though there was no music. “Dance with me.”

Joy was so surprised she didn’t answer for a minute.

He raised a brow. “Dare you.”

Well, damn, now she had to.

Like it’s going to be a hardship, the catty little internal dialogue in her head said.

He held out a hand and she stared at it for a few seconds, liking the idea of holding that strong hand a little too much. Wanting to know what it would feel like when she slid her hand into his.

She wasn’t at all prepared for what happened when he pulled her to her feet and into his arms. The man wasn’t playing fair. He was humming quietly, moving them in a slow circle in time to whatever song he had playing in his head as he leaned close, his head close to hers so only they shared the music.

She would have tried to pick out the song, but her mind had gone to utter mush in his arms. He was strong and warm and his hands felt amazing, one holding her hand and the other on her back. It was low but not enough to be offensive. Enough, honestly, to make her wish he’d go lower.

Lord, what was happening to her?

“You’re a little different than I expected, Joy Wilson.”

She made the mistake of tilting her head back to look up at him, planning to say ditto.

The look in his eyes when she met his gaze stopped the breath in her chest. He was looking at her with such heat, she couldn’t get the word out of her mouth.

But he was accurate alright. He wasn’t what she’d expected either.

He lowered his head a fraction of an inch and for a minute, she thought he was going to kiss her. There was that moment where they were too close, closer than two people who didn’t plan to kiss would be. And if her breathing was any indication, her body was all for it. She felt that excitement in her stomach that came from the anticipation of connection.

Yes! that voice in her head started screaming.

Part of her knew she shouldn’t want this at all. It was a bad idea to mess with this man. Any man. She couldn’t have relationships in her life.