And, she did. In the suite’s living room, then the hot tub, and finally the bed.

* * *

“You were right,” Peter said, turning to Diya with a grin. “They’ve completely let down their guard. They just flew to Mexico for a weekend getaway and all the bodyguards were sent home.”

Diya’s answering smile was small, but she nodded her appreciation. She needed to get this finished so she could move on to the others on her list. Then she would join her family in death. She was tired. Too tired. It was time for her to move on. Vengeance would bring her the peace she needed to do that.

“You have the list of her friends and family?”

“Yes.” Peter nodded, hands hovering over his keyboard. He was becoming as bloodthirsty as Yoshi was. The two would do well together after she was gone. She’d leave everything in Yoshi’s hands, with Peter as his second-in-command. They would be just fine when this was finished and she was gone.

She nodded again. “Make it happen.”

He nodded and started typing.

“Oh, and Peter?”


“Find out when they’re coming home. I’ll meet with Samantha Page myself to deliver the news.”

Chapter 29

“Big wedding or small and cozy? Family and close friends?” Sam asked, setting her drink down on the table beside her.

They had just polished off another basket of chips and made-to-order guacamole. The view of the ocean and the light breeze as they sat on the beach under an umbrella was exactly what they needed.

“Well,” said Logan as he took her hand in his and rubbed circles with his thumb, “my list consists of Zach and a couple of the guys that are stateside, so I’d vote for small. I’m okay with whatever you want, though.”

Sam sat up. “Wait, I thought you said your dad was up in New Hampshire.”

Leave it to Sam to never forget a detail he’d told her once.

He nodded. “He is.”

She tilted her head and gave him the universal keep-talking look.

He shrugged. “He wasn’t much of a dad. He’s an alcoholic.”

He didn’t say more but she felt the weight of more hanging in the air.

She pressed. “When was the last time you talked to him? Saw him?”

Logan stared out at the ocean.

“Can I ask you something else?” she said.

He turned to face her and was surprised by the answer that slipped from his lips. “Always.”

“Why did you go into the military?”

He blew out a long breath. “A lot of reasons. Zach was doing it. He was like a brother to me when we were growing up. He defended me a lot. Then, when we were older and my height shot up and I filled out, I thought if I followed him into the military, I could protect him. It was my turn.”

“Is that it?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t have anything else to do. Nowhere else to go after I turned eighteen. And, my dad was in the military.”

She nodded as if that was what she’d been waiting for him to reveal. “And did he serve overseas?”