Her expression eased and she shook her head. “I like that you did it your way. You didn’t worry about everything being perfect. You just kind of spoke what you were thinking. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I do that a little.”

Her expression and smile were cheeky and he loved that she teased him about it instead of being put out that she didn’t have a ring on her finger yet. He lifted her hand and kissed the spot where his ring would go.

“When we get through with all of this crap, we’ll go pick out a gorgeous ring for you. Something unique and special, like my girl.”

When she smiled so softly at him, he thought his heart might burst with happiness he’d never thought he’d find. He was done with talking for the night. He laid back on the bed and tugged her down over him, devouring her mouth.

She wriggled her hips, pressing against the hard erection he’d been fighting for the last couple of hours. He felt himself grow even harder and was damned happy he didn’t have to fight it off any longer. Hell, he didn’t know if he could.

His hands found the curve of her waist and slid up under her shirt to the soft swells of her breast. Logan unclasped her bra and let his hands roam over the soft skin that drew him, called to him, tormented him. Her nipples peaked beneath his fingers. He lifted shirt and bra in one motion, tugging them over her head, before pulling her back toward him so he could get his mouth on her.

She writhed and moaned and ground down against him.

“You’re killing me, Sam,” he groaned and she had the nerve to laugh.

“Right back atchya, baby.” And then she nipped his lip and he was lost. A one-armed flip had her soft body beneath his and a few more economical movements had their clothes abandoned on the floor in a heap.

He stilled above her, aching to be inside of her, but wanting to hear the words he’d thought he’d never hear. “Say it again”

She smiled that teasing, impish smile at him and he nudged the head of his cock inside her wet folds, taunting her. On a gasp, she spoke the words he needed. “I love you, Logan. I love you.”

And then he was inside of her, lost in the way she was both soft and tough and melting for him, all at once. Her hands clutched at his ass as if trying to pull him deeper. He was happy to oblige, lifting her leg and slanting to bury himself again and again until she cried out and clenched him tightly.

It wasn’t until after he came that he realized he hadn’t used a condom. Not something he ever did, but something he now wanted to do again and again with her. With his Sam. She must have been thinking the same thing.

“My mother will probably kill me if I walk down the aisle visibly knocked up.”

He barked out a laugh but then kissed her. A long slow, sweet kiss. He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers, his eyes locked on hers. “Then, I guess we’d better get you down the aisle quickly.”

Her laughter was all the answer he needed as he slowly started to move inside of her again, his cock swelling to the challenge of loving her over and over throughout the night.

Chapter 26

Sam wandered Logan’s torso with her hands, the taut muscles and light smattering of hair that tickled her fingers were all mesmerizing. She could spend hours exploring his body, learning every detail of it, memorizing every plane. Memorizing the scars that carved out who he was as a person.

She felt the smooth skin that made up the largest of his scars. The one that ran over eight inches on his hip. Smaller, but no less angry looking, scars surrounded it.

“Ernie makes me tell him about it over and over,” he said.

She didn’t answer, just kept running her hands over it.

“He says if I can relive the times that haunt me over and over, the smells, the sights, the sounds—all of it, then I won’t be as affected by them when the memories hit me.”

“Do you think it’s helping?”

“Yeah,” he said, but there was a weight to his voice and she knew each retelling cost him.

“You don’t ever have to tell me anything you don’t want to. I won’t ask you about those things, but if you need or want to tell me, you can. I’m always here for you if you need to get the words out, or if you think it would help me to know so I can help you.”

He nodded, burying his face in the soft skin at the side of her breasts and then shifting so his head lay on her stomach. He loved how soft her flesh was there. He knew she thought it was unattractive, having a soft belly instead of toned, tight abs, but he loved it. He thought a woman should be all soft curves to his hardness. He wouldn’t want her any other way.

She ran her hands through his hair and he closed his eyes and let the feel of her fingers soothe him.

He knew Ernie would tell him that sharing the stories took away their power, weakened them, but he couldn’t tell her this one. He’d only told Ernie the story one time so far and he wasn’t ready for any more than that.

As Sam’s hands caressed and quieted him, he let his mind wander back to the session where Ernie had finally gotten the worst of it out of him. His last mission. The one that had taken so damned much. Cost too damned much.

“Tell me about the last one,” Ernie had said.