“Sam!” he said, almost out of breath, as though he’d run down the hall and she looked down to see Billy standing by his side, watching them both.

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her to him. She loved the contact and loved the feel of him pressed against her, but she was concerned at the almost desperate tone in his voice.

“Are you okay, Logan?” she asked, her voice muffled against his chest.

“Never better,” he said, with a laugh. “Can we go home now?”

She nodded, even though the detectives behind her answered yes as well.

Then Logan was almost lifting her as he walked down the hall, one arm around her waist.

“Thank you, Monique!” he said over his shoulder and Sam stifled a laugh.

“Want to tell me what your rush is?”

“In a minute,” he said.

They rounded the corner into another hallway and Logan looked around. They were alone. Sam laughed as he pulled her into his arms, hauling her body right up against his.

“I want to have babies with you. Lots of babies.”

Okay. Sam thought she heard that record scratching sound effect that indicated all humor had come to a complete and abrupt stop.


Logan framed her face with his hands and licked his lips as though he might be nervous, but his eyes never left hers.

“I want to have babies with you. I want to marry you and love you and make babies with you. I want a life together, you and me.”

Sam swallowed. “Um, you want to love me or you do love me? I mean, just to clarify, because I just want to be really sure here, before I commit to lots of babies, and all. And, while we’re on that topic, how many is ’lots of babies‘? Because you get that I have to do all of that? All of the having, I mean. You get to do the fun part, and then, bam! It’s all on me. All the puking and the stretching and the pushing them out. All that. So I’m just wondering if you have a ballpark in mind for that. And if you really love me. I’m wondering that, too.”

The smile that spread over Logan’s features was slow and complete. It met his eyes and overtook them. It lit up his whole face and it made Sam’s breath catch in her throat.

“Yes, I love you, Sam. So completely. In a way I never knew was possible. And, I want as many babies as you want. And, I promise, I’ll be there with you all the way even though I can’t carry them. I’ll give you foot massages and buy you ice cream. I’ll even spoon-feed you the ice cream while you lie on the couch and relax, if you want me to.”

“Like, wait.” Sam took a deep breath. She was embarrassed to feel tears stinging her eyes and she blinked a few times. “You love me? Like, just me? The way I am? No strings attached. No changes you want me to make? Just me?”

Logan kissed her mouth, slow and sweet and gentle. Not the fire and passion his kisses normally held. This was love and tenderness and a promise of forever.

“Yes, just you. Just the way you are. No addendums, no modifications, no hacks or shortcuts, or changes of any kind.”

Sam cried. Probably not those cute tears that make some women look like they’re glowing and gorgeous and as freaking mythical as a rainbow-colored unicorn. Nope, she cried the horrifyingly ugly tears. Logan looked appropriately shocked and appalled.

“Sam? Are you okay? What’s wrong, Sam?”

She shook her head. She had yet to answer him, to tell him that she loved him, too. She should do that before he thought she was rejecting him.

“I love you, too,” she croaked out.

Good God, that sounded awful.

But Logan was laughing, and then he was lifting her and swinging her in his arms, circling around like one of those scenes in a cheesy romantic comedy, and Sam cried harder. Because she’d never in a million years thought she’d have her romantic comedy moment, but here it was.

Logan stopped and put her down, but he didn’t let her go. He kept his arms around her and lowered his forehead to hers.

“Is that a yes to the babies? And marriage? Did I mention marriage? Man, I suck at this.”

Logan pushed back from her and went down on one knee.