But he froze and stopped, long before she wanted him to. Sam could feel his body tighten, not with the need and heat of a moment ago, but with something else. A soldier’s guard.

He kept his hands where they were and dipped his head next to her ear, whispering close.

“Do you feel that?”

Sam nodded. She’d wondered if he would notice the sensation of someone watching them. It unsettled her to know that he did because it meant it wasn’t just the fact that she knew her purse and coat carried the listening devices Chad and Logan had asked her not to remove yet.

They were still trying to track where the devices were transmitting to and she’d been chalking the eerie feeling that overcame her from time to time up to the bugs, and nothing more.

“Have you felt it before?” He skimmed his mouth across hers as he asked the question, but the feeling was different. Right now, he was in cover mode, using the kiss to cover their conversation from prying eyes. They still spoke at a whisper and she hoped it was enough to prevent whoever was listening through her purse and coat from hearing.

She nodded again. His eyes flared, angry for a moment before he reached behind him to open the passenger door of the car. He opened it, deposited her inside and then scanned the area as he walked around to the driver’s side before getting in.

Logan didn’t ask before he rifled around in her purse, pulling out the jamming device and clicking it on, before growling at her through clenched teeth.

“You mean to tell me you’ve felt eyes on you before tonight and you didn’t think to tell me? Or Chad? Or any freaking one? What the hell, Sam?”

She shrugged, but it was a weak shrug because what she really wanted to do was crawl under the seat to escape the dangerous glint in his eye.

“I thought it was just because of the bugs I knew I was carrying around. It seemed to make sense at the time.”

He must have realized he was scaring her because he took a few deep, purposeful breaths and when he looked back at her, his gaze had softened. He shoved the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot.

“Let’s get you out of here,” he said.

Sam was quiet for a bit before deciding to break the strained silence in the car. She really had been happy about where their evening had been going, but she also couldn’t ignore the reality of what was happening now. For whatever reason, someone was watching her.

“Could you see anyone back there?” She wanted to turn and look behind them but fought the urge.

“No. Nothing. But, I know that feeling. It’s not something we can ignore.”

He pulled the car into her parking lot and pulled it right up in front of the door rather than over in one of the guest parking spots.

“Wait.” His tone was brusque and no-nonsense, and even though she bristled under the command, she followed it. She wasn’t an idiot. If Logan thought she was in trouble, she needed to listen to him.

She watched nervously as Logan stood outside the car, his body placed strategically near her door as he scanned the area. He opened the door and reached a hand in.


She handed the keys to the house to him and watched as he went to unlock the door, then returned to escort her from the car to the door. Inside the door, she punched in her alarm code for the alarm Zach had installed, locking the door behind them and resetting the alarm to active.

Then they went through the same routine they’d gone through when he’d cleared her home for her after the bugs initially showed up. It seemed that now he knew there was more of a threat, he’d gone into full-blown protection mode.

Maybe that shouldn’t have sent an erotic thrill through her, but it did.

When he finished his search of the house, he returned to Sam and tugged her into the living room to the couch, pulling her down to sit next to him.

“You doing okay?” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, eyes boring into hers.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”

She didn’t know why she was, to be honest. She just felt safe when she was with him. Like nothing could get through him to get to her. It might not be precisely true, but it was how she felt.

“I’m going to call Zach and have him send someone over to watch the house while I run home and grab my things.”

“Grab your things?” she asked. Her heart rate seemed to jump a few beats per minute when she realized what he meant. He planned to stay with her. Here. In her house.

He must have realized she’d made the connection. “Is that all right? If not, I could see if one of Zach’s guys could stay in your guest room.”