“Well,” PJ said with a little laugh. “That’s what you want to hear after you kiss a man. ‘Shit.’”

Gabe’s eyes flew to hers and he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, PJ. I really didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t bring you here for that. I didn’t come here planning to take advantage of you like some...some... Shit.” Gabe didn’t know what else to say.

He watched PJ’s face, trying to get a read on her thoughts, but she remained silent.

“This is probably the last thing you need right now, Pru.” Something flickered behind her eyes and she sat up straight.

“You know what? You’re right.” She nodded and gave him a tentative smile before setting her half-eaten meal next to his and pushing to her feet. The distraction might be nice, but getting involved right now wasn’t a good idea, no matter how strong the attraction between them ran. “I should get some sleep, I think. I’m pretty beat.”

Gabe stood and nodded as she walked into the house, and he watched her turn toward her room.

What the hell had he been thinking? They were barely a few hours into their trip and he had been all over her. Why on earth had he thought he could bring her here and keep his hands off her?

Gabe tossed the leftover food in the trash and left the dishes in the sink. He’d deal with them in the morning. For now, he wanted to grab his swim trunks and hit the ocean. Maybe the cold water would knock some sense into him and cool his desire.

Chapter 6

PJ took longer than she normally would have to get ready the following morning. She knew damned well it was because she didn’t want to face Gabe after that kiss.

She was embarrassed, but more so, she was afraid things would be awkward and uneasy between her and Gabe now. The relationship she’d built with him in the last few years was surprisingly important to her.

A huff of laughter escaped her as she thought about how absurd it was that she could label the friendship she’d developed with the man who owned her favorite hotels as one of her best friendships. Yeah, just showed you how ridiculous her life had become.

She glanced at her guitar sitting in the corner of the room and promised herself she’d take it out to the back patio and play later today.

Putting her phone into the bedside drawer so she could ignore the dumpster fire her world had become, she took a deep breath and opened the door. Time to face Gabe.

When she walked in the kitchen, she found him sitting on a bar stool at the counter, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

Her heart kicked into overdrive when he looked up at her and went to the restaurant style espresso machine that took up a large portion of his counter.


When he turned to look at her, PJ’s cheeks flushed with heat under his gaze. All he’d done was offer her coffee, but all she could think about was the kiss. And how he’d stopped it.

“Thanks,” she said, trying to force her thoughts in another direction.

“I have an idea for today,” Gabe said, seemingly happy to ignore the humiliating tension between them as he steamed milk.

PJ looked up. “Hopefully nothing that involves going out in public?”

Gabe grinned and shook his head, setting aside the newspaper he’d been reading.

“I thought I’d make four different kinds of popcorn—”

PJ held up a hand. “Four different kinds?”

“Cheese, butter and sea salt, ranch, and butter and brown sugar.”


Gabe laughed. “You haven’t heard the rest of my plan.”

“You had me at butter and brown sugar.” She tilted her head. “And at cheese, butter and sea salt, and ranch.”

“Done,” he said. “You take your coffee to the couch and I’ll start on the popcorn buffet. Do you want anything else for breakfast? Eggs? Fruit?”

PJ frowned. “You don’t need to wait on me, Gabe. I can make a piece of toast or something.”