Her mom grabbed her in another hug as she spoke to Jennie’s dad. “Phil, grab another burger for my baby.” To Jennie she said, “We’re having burgers and fresh corn on the cob. You picked a perfect night to come home.”

Kyle’s dad rubbed his round stomach. “And Anna made her peach cobbler.”

“Mmmm.” Jennie wanted to rub her own tummy at that news. She sat on one of the Adirondack chairs and tucked her feet up under her. It felt good to be home as the two older couples went back to their neighborhood gossip. Who was going to what schools in the fall, and who bought a new ride-on lawnmower.

Jennie sat back and let the chatter about hometown suburbia wash over her like a salve. She sipped the iced tea her mom gave her and watched her dad cook the corn and burgers on the grill.

She didn’t have to ask if her mom had made potato salad. Her mother’s potato salad was a staple that accompanied anything cooked on the grill in their home. Jennie’s mouth watered at the thought of the perfectly cooked red potatoes with bits of diced hardboiled egg and just the right seasonings. She’d tried to make it herself but it never compared to her mom’s.

Anna’s question brought Jennie out of her quiet thoughts.

“Are you seeing anyone, Jennie?” Anna asked gently.

Jennie’s eyes went round. Her parents had given up asking her that long ago but she’d never had the conversation with Kyle’s parents. She definitely wasn’t prepared for it.

“No! I mean... I don’t... No, I’m not.” Oh God. Jennie swallowed and looked to her mom, hoping for help. Her mom threw her under the bus instead.

“It’s time, Jennie.” Her voice was soft but the words cut deeply.

Her father and Kyle’s dad stood still, watching but not adding to the conversation as Jennie shook her head at the two women. She lowered her head and stared at the patio stones beneath her chair.

How do I explain that it won’t ever be time? Kyle is dead. There won’t be a time when that changes and there won’t be a time when I’m ready to replace him. Ever.

Jennie could practically feel the looks they were all exchanging but she couldn’t bring herself to look at them. She didn’t want to see the expectation there. Didn’t want to see the shock. Naturally, after four years, anyone would expect her to move on. Even her husband’s own parents.

They didn’t understand. They couldn’t. No one but Jennie knew the real reason Kyle had died. And no one ever would.

Jennie kept her head down and waited. Eventually, the chatter began again and the topic was dropped. For now.

But, she feared her biggest source of respite, her source of comfort and understanding, was about to be lost. How could she hide here, when the pain followed her home?

Chapter 7

Jack stood in the doorway to the living room watching Kelly sleep, watching the movement of her chest as it rose and fell with each breath.

Whether awake or asleep, the sight of his wife stole his breath and made him want to sink to his knees. How close he’d come to losing her…and now, not only did he have her, but they had their daughter on the way…

Jack didn’t know how the hell he’d gotten so damn lucky, but he’d never be complacent. He thanked whatever powers were watching over them every day, for Kelly and their baby.

She wasn’t sleeping well at night anymore. Lately, Kelly would sleep for a few hours at night before Jack heard her climb out of bed and haunt the lower floors of the house. The doctor said that was normal this late in a pregnancy but it killed Jack to see her so worn out. He turned from the doorway, planning to let her rest but she called to him. He turned to find Kelly’s eyes on him and a sleepy smile on her face.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, sweetheart. You should sleep.” He crossed to her and sat on the edge of the couch with her, then ran the back of his hand down the soft skin on her face.

“It’s okay. I’ve been asleep for a few hours. If I sleep any longer, I’ll be up all night for sure.”

He laid a hand on his wife’s rounded belly. “How’s our girl today?”

They hadn’t agreed on a name yet. In the mix were Madeleine, Lacey and Hadley. But, the mix tended to change daily.

Kelly pulled herself up and Jack propped a few pillows behind her on the couch. Once she was settled in, he figured it was as good a time as any to bring up the subject of Jennie and Chad.

Jack wasn’t sure how to ask his wife about her best friend. “Hey, Kelly? Did something ever happen to Jennie that would make her avoid dating?”

“What do you mean?” Kelly asked, looking like she had an idea but didn’t want to talk about it.

“Chad told Andrew and me he kissed Jennie once and she got a really sad look on her face, so he never tried anything again. I always thought it was only the work thing keeping them apart, but he says there’s more to it.”

“Oh, no.”