Which of course, she couldn’t ever do again. Jennie fell asleep in the chair thinking about the feel of Chad’s taut muscles under her fingers. The memory of his body above hers. The pleasure he’d brought that chased away her memories of Kyle—if only temporarily.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed when her eyes fluttered open. In front of her, down by the edge of the water, she could see Chad. He stripped off his shirt as he did after every morning run. She was instantly warm all over, and a small buzz of electricity raced through her veins at the sight of his defined and tanned muscles.

Jennie felt her breath hitch, then come in short pants. Her chest rose and lowered quickly as she watched him walk into the lake to cool off. If only she could cool her response to him as easily. Instead, she waited restlessly while he swam. Then the warmth that had been running through her body pooled between her legs as he walked out of the water, dripping.

She didn’t mean to stare, but she couldn’t bring herself to tear her eyes off him. As he wiped his face on his T-shirt, he glanced up at her and met her eyes. She groaned, knowing he’d be able to see the unconcealed lust in her eyes.

She hadn’t intended to let him know how much she wanted him. How much being locked in this cabin with him day after day had her burning with hunger.

Chad’s eyes heated and his step faltered for a brief second. She looked away, swallowing to try to hide the emotions creeping up on her. She hated feeling this way. Hated needing him so much. Maybe if she kept her eyes averted, he would walk past her into the house to take his shower as he always did after his run and swim.

But, even as Jennie thought it, she knew a big part of her didn’t want that. Part of her wanted him to satisfy this hunger, this craving for him that never went away. That only seemed to grow stronger each day.

Jennie felt, rather than heard, Chad stop next to her. He knelt down and she turned to look, shocked by the burning in his eyes, the intensity of the need that mirrored her own. Once again, he held her captive. She was utterly unable to break the fierce connection that burned between them. Her breath began to come too quickly and she wondered if he could see the intensity of her body’s reaction to him.

She felt naked, open to him, knowing he could read everything in her eyes. Including the shock that registered when he reached up and pulled the straps of her sundress and bra down over her shoulders. She knew he caught the sharp intake of breath when his fingers slipped into the cups of her dress and bra, lowering them to expose breasts already peaked with desire for him. So sensitive, she could swear he’d be able to make her come focusing only on her breasts.

He didn’t speak as he lowered his lips to savor first one tight nipple and then the other. He didn’t say anything when she sucked in her breath, the feel of his mouth on her breast, instantly making her body thrum with heightened arousal, with growing need.

His eyes continued to watch her, to hold her in place, while his tongue traveled to the soft skin of the slopes of her cleavage. Skin that was so sensitive now, Jennie instantly felt the telltale build of orgasm coiling low in her belly.

She heard a whimpering moan and knew it was her own. She wanted his lips on hers. Wanted to wrap her limbs around him as he entered her, but he didn’t give that to her.

He lowered himself, nestling between her legs as he lifted the skirt of her dress. Jennie’s body was on fire, every touch of his hands and his mouth driving her into a frenzy of sensation. At his urging, she lifted her hips while he slid her panties down.

He used his shoulders to spread her thighs wide. His mouth was hot and wet and warm and she squirmed, raising her hips greedily in response as moan after moan left her lips. It felt completely right and completely wrong, all at once.

With gentle, persistent pressure, Chad brought Jennie to a shuddering orgasm. He drew it out with dizzying perfection, leaving her limp and stunned. Then, without a word, he covered her with her dress and walked into the house.

She sat there, stunned into silence, and tried to figure out if that had really happened or if she’d just let her imagination run away with her. If she’d wanted it so bad, she’d finally let herself believe the fantasy. If she’d wake up any minute to find it had only been a dream.

Chapter 30

Chad seemed to know when Jennie’s body was coiled so tight with need she thought she would snap. He’d walk up behind her when she was washing dishes and begin the slow burn she craved with every part of her being.

He’d kiss her neck, letting his tongue trace a path across spots she never knew could feel so good. He’d wrap his arms around her body, tweaking her nipples and slipping his hand into her panties to find her wet and slick.

Her body responded so quickly and intensely to his hands. He brought her to orgasm so easily that it shocked and embarrassed Jennie.

One morning, she woke to his kisses on her breasts. Again, he gave her needs priority, biting and nipping, licking and laving as she fell apart in his arms. But, she couldn’t help but notice, he never kissed her on the mouth. He never made love to her or held her.

And, when she tried to turn around, to wrap her arms around him or to touch him, he held her in place. As soon as she had an orgasm, he vanished in a heartbeat, leaving her confused and alone.

She knew she should stop him, but when he wasn’t touching her, her body’s demand for his touch was so great she thought it would break her. She was edgy with want when his hands weren’t on her. And the minute the contact began, she was weak with the overwhelming swamp of desire and arousal, with the aching pleasure he brought. She could no more refuse his touch than she could cut off her own arm.

But, now a new ache was beginning. Jennie was desperate for the tender way he’d kissed her when they made love in Florida. She wanted the connection their lovemaking had brought. Her arms tingled with the need to reach out for him. Jennie cried into her pillow at night, begging her heart to let her go. To let her fall for this man who loved her and sacrificed over and over for her.

But her heart wouldn’t free her. It still belonged to Kyle, and Kyle alone.

And as time went on, Jennie felt Chad slipping further and further away from her. He closed himself off to her more and more. His eyes became cold and shuttered when he looked at her. She saw walls going up between them that she was powerless to scale.

And, she couldn’t blame him one bit. She was hurting him. Only taking, never giving. She knew it. She knew what was happening between them was only causing him further pain and heartache. And that ripped at Jennie’s heart. Some days, she wanted to leave. To put space between them instead of living in this limbo that held them both captive.

Chad knocked and opened the door, drawing Jennie out of her thoughts. He held one of the disposable phones in his hand. Her heart skipped as she hoped for news from home. Maybe even news that meant she was safe and they could return.

“Jack called. Agent Burke is pushing for you to make a statement. Jack doesn’t know how long he can hold him off, so we need to begin to prepare for that. We may have to make a short trip home to appease them and then slip you out of there again.”

Jennie nodded at him, frightened at the idea of going home to make a statement, but excited at the possibility of getting to see her friends. Of being able to talk to her mom.